Of course, childlike elements are found in other societies to. With the high voice, and hair removal, especial pubic hair. Although, in some case it may just be an exaggeration of gender. Women do have naturally higher voices then men, are smaller than men, less hairier than men, etc, and then it is only made more extreme by having men bulk up, speak deeper, etc, while women speak higher, remove hair, be skinner. I always had problems with that, and by making such differences even more extreme, widens that gap between the sexes, and results with the inability to mingle with success, so in the end you end up with these forced arrangement that are set up with an idealized image that sound really excruciatingly boring in inhuman to me.
What about the psyche though? is it wired in men to desire women like this? Islam would have you believe that every man is set one way and women another, that being the protector and maintainer of women/children.
Not so long ago it was almost the same in the western world was it not? men still wanted to be male, aplha male, make final decisions, be in control, and women were seen as submissive.
So is this normal for humans, is this just the way we are made?