You have left Allah once. You are not totally in grip of Satan yet. So make sure, you dont leave Allah again because second time Satan gets you forever.
You misunderstand. Satan doesn't have a grip on me, I have a grip on Satan. We had fun last night!

The devil is a loser and he's my *****.

He cannot get you first time.
All other sins are forgiveable. If you return to your Creator, He will love you and forgive everything you have done.
I live on top of my creator. I never left the earth to begin with.

Oh and actually, Shirk is the only unforgivable sin.
Out of all the things you could possibly get angry over, he sees worshipping pagan gods as an unforgiveable sin? I thought raping little 9 year old girls should be the unforgiveable sin.
No matter how free and full of pleasure, its only a temporary life. No matter how long it may be, it will end one day.
Indeed life is short, that is why I'm a hedonist. Though I've no interest in trying to earn an afterlife I have no reason to believe in.
Why are thousands of people a year in europe and america converting to it? You tell me.
Why would intelligent people accept Allah if he was a false god?
Most people aren't intelligent enough not to believe in a god. Though no gods are true, does that make them all false? As they aren't true (I suppose what is meant by true is real), unless they're proven to be real.
Why would westerners become muslims if Islam was an evil religion?
Most of them leave an evil religion for an evil religion. Though what does evil mean? What is evil? I just assume the term is a synonym for bad.
Please name me one belief from quran that is against scientific facts. You wont find one. Why?
The quran tells you to believe in things that you don't have verifiable evidence for. That alone, the belief in Allah, or even Noah for that matter, is against scientific facts. Or the belief that humans had a creator is against scientific facts. Simply put.
It is the most scientifially advance book in the world, as my link above proves.
You people are just refusing to read scientific evidences.
Definitely more advanced than Hawkings books. And definitely not full of common knowledge from Seleucid times.
but they have evidence that now proves that Quran cannot be written by a man. It must be from God. Please read the evidence they have presented. Hence Quran is perfect and Islam is the true way of life. I gave links above. That book which I posted contains clear evidence that proves Quran can only come from God and one one else. I am not a blind follower. I use my brain and think for myself. I have read that book. It did have scientific and logical evidence which was clearly presented. If you read it , you will see it too.
It didn't put forth any convincing arguements as to why. Then again, Allah does sound like a petty obsessive compulsive man with borderline personality disorder, as did Muhammad. The two are probably one.
BTW, all the things from the earth being round, to primitive embryology were common knowledge among the the educated elite. Muhammad, being someone who could read and write, would've known about this stuff.