You mean from Islamic religious texts?
Any source that would have been used during any of the major Caliphates, nothing new or modern interpretations of old work. Just straight translations.
Not quite what I was looking for but still interesting. To me this at least suggests that equality, amount other things, was an issues in recent history.
I think you could just find all this in Hadith and Quran. If Islamic laws were applied, there would not be any need to document them under those dynasties, because the laws were not from the dynasties themselves but rather from the Sunnah and Quran. There is no innovation, so there would not be any change in Shariah like there is in Western legal systems that establish precedents. You are looking for references in English? That market is saturated by apologists, good luck.
Well looking at Hadiths and the Quran I see rights, customs and laws that fit within the time of authorship. Nothing to suggest any of the modern views society now hold. However I have been told that I can not interpret verses from the Quran on my own otherwise I will have distorted views like I just mentioned. I must look at hadith and tafsir... Which result in a worse view than my first impressions the more I read. Any suggestion on which hadith to search regarding women's rights in business or politics? I haven't really found anything regarding a women's right to say rule a county, region, province, etc.
I realize there is a lot of apologetics. Most of what I find is modern commentary on commentary on commentary of hadith or quran passages.
I suppose, after all, I really have nothing to contribute. I don't know anything about ancient court records in foreign languages. I bet China has good records.
Bringing up Madhabs shows how little I know while also pointing out how horrible my course is considering it doesnt go into any depth. I will see what I can find on the various schools.