and those really don't believe in the Quran... I'll just need to show him that.
OK, its time to lay the cards on the table.
I know you wont agree but you dont really believe in the Quran either Debunker, do you?
Just because you keep telling yourself its true, your rational side doesnt really believe it does it. And you hate the fact that you have had to continually compromise your intellectually honest side to your superstitious spirtual side, which never really provided you with any foreseable benefit.
Just like the countless believers of all other religions before you. Only one compromise after another, for possibly nothing. And it still makes you feel lost without giving you a complete sense of the picture.
I feel it because I was there once too, and I hated it. Thankfully I let my brain win in the end, and not some dusty superstitious book from the dark ages.
And I feel much better for it.
I think that after living in Saudi for say ten years, and after much umm'ing & ahh'ing, with your knowledge and mental hunger, Islam wont be enough and one day you might see it too.
I hope you dont see this the wrong way. But still whatever happens, I wish you all the best on your journey..