Why Israel should not be created? That has always been the land of the Jews.
Not always but 2000 years ago. Put in mind America was the land of the Indians about 400 years ago. Texas and California were still part of Mexico.
I may not understand Judaism or any other religion but why not let Jews have a land to call their own?
TBH I don' think any religion should be entitled to lands and nations. But given that we have Muslim and Christian nations and given the history of oppression of Jews around the world, I do think the Jewish people should have a land to call their own.
Now why does it have to be in this spot on earth? why didn't they take a part of Germany or Austria? that I don't get.
I mean I can't see any reasons other than religious scripture-based ones. And FYI, the current map borders of Israel are not the same as
Biblical borders of the Land of Israel. Still to this day there are significant sections of Jews and Christians who want to expand Israel to these Borders.
Again this just like the issue of Indians in the US. It was theirs once upon time (400 years not 2000). So would you support the creation of an Indian nation in the US and expelling most of the non-Indian population to Europe? does that sound like a fair deal to you? after all American Indians have no land.
Dont you muslims have over 50 muslims nations to call your own and i'm pretty sure all of those have been taken by Force and none of them give equal opportunity to it's minorities.
First of all I'm not a Muslim.
Secondly, you need to chill. I'm not an Islamist who wants to re-establish a Caliphate.
Thirdly, this is a tu quoque argument. The Muslims invaded countries centuries ago so it's OK if Jews took countries by force and expelled many of residents.
Jews have always been discriminated against whether by the christians or by muslims. Christians have always blamed them for killing their Christ (assuming Christ was a real person) and Muslims hate them because Muhammad tells them to hate the Jews and Christians and every other dirty kaffir.
Face it Jews have always been easy targets and they have always come back the land of their ancestors.
This is where we disagree. How can a group of people claim a land that once (2 millennia ago) belonged to their ancestors? not to mention those who converted and have no connection to this land.
BTW, Israel is the size of New Jersey.
There is no occupation, this is blatant lie.
Sure there is. It's your statement that is a blatant lie. There are millions residing the West Bank and Gaza as well as millions of refugees in neighboring countries who have no sovereign nation or citizenship in any country.This is not me speaking.
The United Nations Security Council and the International Court of Justice both describe the West Bank and Golan Heights as "occupied territory" under international law.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupied_Territories_%28Israel%29 Sure muslims came to Israel (through jihad) but that land has always been the land of the Jews and they were always more than willing to share and live in peace (unlike muslims).
That's not true. It wasn't the Arabs who kicked out the Jews.
First the Babylonians conquered the kingdom of Juah ad exiled the Jews into Babylon. Then it was ruled by the Persians, Greeks, and Romans (Pagans then Christians) until the Arabs arrived. If you go back this far, most of the countries of today didn't even exist.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Israel#Introduction:_Jewish_history_in_IsraelAnd while I agree that Jews were always oppressed under Christian and Muslim rule I would argue that Jews were better off under Muslim rule. After all with the exception of Khaibar and some other incidents, there weren't any Inquisitions, major pogroms, Holocausts, or systematic government-sanctioned oppression.
There is no Palestine, these "Palestinians" are refugees of mostly Jordan so Israel and Lebanon took them in and these "Palestinians" even went back to Jordon to overthrow King Hussian but he had them slaughtered which was called Black September:
Why did the Brits call it "The British Mandate of Palestine" then? why not Israel or Judea?
Your argument is fallacious because Jordan was part of the British Mandate of Palestine:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Mandate_for_Palestine . The area to the West of the Dead Sea was called Palestine and that to the East was called
Jordan did offer to take those displaced as a result of the '48 war and some of them did take the offer and were granted Jordanian citizens. But many didn't accept and chose to stay in their lands, homes, and businesses.
You should also take a look at the link atheist.pk provided.
Israel has a right to exist.
They have provided more science and technology and helped more human beings than all of the history or present state of muslim countries combined. They have earned respect in this world because they worked their asses off. While today Muslims/Arabs are fighting to tell the rest of the world that not all of them are terrorists.
All of history? don't know about that.
But generally I agree with you. Among all Middle East countries Israel is the most technologically advanced country in the Middle East. It has the best universities, scientific research centres, and hospitals. It has the best track record of human rights and civil liberties. And it has more political, personal, and press freedoms than any Arab country. Women, LGBT people, and Baha'is are better off there than in any of the other Arab countries. If I personally, as a liberal atheist, had to chose where to live in the Middle East I would chose Israel over any Arab country (disregarding the language thing).
But I'm afraid that still doesn't change the fact that there is a dark side to all of that. This is like arguing for the legitimacy of the Muslim invasion of Spain because there was scientific and literary advancement and Jews were treated better under Muslims than under the subsequent Christian rules who imposed the Spanish Inquisition.
There is an occupation. Historical facts don't lie. There are millions of stateless Palestinians. There being ignored, forgotten about, and stripped of their right to self-determination. The live under of the threat of being forced to leave their homes so that settlers come and take their lands. And when some of them get fed up and desperate and go kill innocent Israeli civilians, they all get collectively punished and humiliated.
I'll end this with a very relevant quote:
"Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country ... There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that? They may perhaps forget in one or two generations' time, but for the moment there is no chance. So it is simple: we have to stay strong and maintain a powerful army." Do you know who said that and when? Wanna take a guess?
It was David Ben-Gurion the founding father of Israel and its first prime minister. He said it in 1956. Here take a look yourself:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Ben-Gurion#Palestinian_Arabs Hope I didnt offend too many people.
Not at all. But it does get frustrating when people forget the basic facts and reiterate propaganda. What hurts more is that people ignore the plight of the Palestinians, reduce all Palestinian resistance into Islamic extremism, and don't recognize the Palestinians' right to an independent sovereign nation to call their own.