Try not to worry about it right now. Focus on your school, get a good education, have fun with your friends, make new friends, travel, learn, laugh. When you meet the right person, if there are conflicts with your family, you will have a partner to help you work through them. Life can be hard at times, no use worrying about things that aren't happening yet. You're 18, at that age, marriage was the last thing on my mind. One tip: when/if your family start pressuring you to get married, just use your education and work as a barrier to hold off that pressure. You're a US citizen, right? Nobody can force you into marrying anyone you don't want to marry. Just don't get stuck in KSA or some such, like some women have been.
You are completely right hence why I said I don't even know why I'm thinking about all of this when I'm 18. I'm just scared of my future to be honest. I just want to be safe and happy. I don't want to end up marrying someone I have no connection with whatsoever and I know what my family would want from me is not what I want. So it seems like being unmarried forever if the answer which is what I want... and don't want... and want...
I'm definitely focusing on life right now - education, trying to live my childhood before it fades away too fast, getting s job, etc. My parents are not pressuring me but I always, always dodge the whole marriage thing and make it very clear that I never want to get married (not wanting them to be involved in MY choices). I am a US citizen and I'm overly thankful for that. I was suppose to go to Saudi this summer but purposely didn't visit because I didn't want a surprise marriage proposal and all. I know cases of that.
God, I'm screwed.
But yes, I'll just focus on education and life now. Love and all that can wait.
Thank you so much... I really can't talk about this with anyone but though I don't even know you, your replies do help.