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 Topic: How do you handle depression?

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  • How do you handle depression?
     OP - June 20, 2010, 12:22 AM

    Recently i have been very depressed.
    it feels my whole body has been drained of energy and my life is meaningless.  the weird this is, i dont even know why i'm depressed.
    i mean i'm finished with school ( for now) & me and my family are talking again and they accept my decision( to leave Christianity).
    but i dont know. it's just like i havent been happy lately and last night i was actually thinking about killing myself. i know that sounds weird , but it's true. it feels like i have nobody to talk to....

    when you guys are depressed,
    how do you deal with it?
    also, is it normal to be depressed for no reason?


    "Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." ~ Andre Gide

  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #1 - June 20, 2010, 12:32 AM

    Think of the bright side of life. Your parents still love you, I presume and are happy with your choice to leave Xtianity. I kind of understand how you feel as I'm sure many others here do as well but just stay strong and try to enjoy life and look at the positives otherwise you will just drown in your own sorrow.

    Hope this helped. I personally play video games, listen to music, eat and chill with friends to deal with depression.

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #2 - June 20, 2010, 12:33 AM

    I don't know much about depression, but many years ago I thought I was depressed and having the same feelings you are describing, but it turned out I was anemic and once I got that sorted out I got my energy back and everything was fine.

    Not to undermine what you're feeling, but you may want to get a blood test?

    far away hug

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    - 32nd United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #3 - June 20, 2010, 12:41 AM

    I believe im going through the same thing you are. Or ii have gone through it.
    I have finished skool as well (high skool) and im constantly depressed for no reason.
    However, ii think the reason is that ii feel lonely or ii need someone to b with or to talk to.
    Someone who would understand me and stand by me.

    I dont kno wuts going on in ur life, but this is how ii deal with my depression.
    [btw, ii have attempted suicide as well, had to call the suicide hotline to calm me down (they didnt do sh*t lol)]

    1. I sleep, this removes all of the negative thoughts from my head. However, this is temporary.
    2. Listen to music, while reading or writing.
    3. Stay in my balcony at night just thinking.
    4. Go out. Get away from ur current enviroment and go to a less depressing enviroment. Try bowling, or hanging at a friends house, or maybe just going for a walk.
    5. Go online and distract urself from the depression. This often helps me. I have people on this forum that help me out, and people online that always take away some of my depression

    If things come to worst, and u feel suicide, call suicide hotline (but dont expect anything, they will just keep u on the fone until the mood fades), OR go talk to someone!

    Anyway, message me if u need anything. I'll b able to listen.
    People are are very understanding if u ever need to talk about anything.

    && lastly....

    Smile  Smiley
    (its free)
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #4 - June 20, 2010, 12:42 AM

    Recently i have been very depressed.
    it feels my whole body has been drained of energy and my life is meaningless.  the weird this is, i dont even know why i'm depressed.
    i mean i'm finished with school ( for now) & me and my family are talking again and they accept my decision( to leave Christianity).
    but i dont know. it's just like i havent been happy lately and last night i was actually thinking about killing myself. i know that sounds weird , but it's true. it feels like i have nobody to talk to....

    when you guys are depressed,
    how do you deal with it?
    also, is it normal to be depressed for no reason?


    I had, and sometimes still do to a lesser extent, have periods of anxiety and panic attacks. It makes you feel like shit, physically sick and as though nothing can make you happy or feel better. And you can contemplate suicide because you feel like such depressing life isn't worth living.

    However, these things do eventually pass. All you have to do is be patient and not think about it. That may sound simple, but it's actually a hard thing to do.

    It may make it easier if you talk to people about it or just socialise with people so that your mind isn't fixated on being depressed.

    Just be patient. It will pass.
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #5 - June 20, 2010, 12:45 AM

    thank you for advice

    *far away hug* ( for some reason my computer isn't putting the actual icon in....)

    hopefully this will blow over & i will be back to my normal self.
    it's like i want to talk to my mom about it , but i'm afraid she'll think i am crazy and she will think i will need pills to "treat it"( my mom thinks pills can solve anything as opposed to my dad who thinks doctors & pills are the devil).
    but i am afraid that if i do take pills it will only take me deeper into depression.

    Lutheil, maybe i should go to the doctor & get a blood test ( maybe that's it. i dont really know right now)

    "Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." ~ Andre Gide

  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #6 - June 20, 2010, 12:49 AM

    A blood test couldn't hurt, and then at least you will have a professional to talk to (if you let your doctor know why you want the blood test). They may have some other recommendations for you too. Hope things get better for you Smiley

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    - 32nd United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #7 - June 20, 2010, 12:52 AM

    but i'm afraid she'll think i am crazy and she will think i will need pills to "treat it"( my mom thinks pills can solve anything as opposed to my dad who thinks doctors & pills are the devil).

    I dont suggest you take pills. If u take anti-depressants, there is a risk they you may grow dependent on them.
    I have a friend who if he doesnt take it every mornings, he is just depressed and irritated the whole day.
    To almost suicidal. Its not pretty.
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #8 - June 20, 2010, 12:56 AM

    A blood test couldn't hurt, and then at least you will have a professional to talk to (if you let your doctor know why you want the blood test). They may have some other recommendations for you too. Hope things get better for you Smiley

    i really hope so too

     : )
    thank you

    "Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." ~ Andre Gide

  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #9 - June 20, 2010, 12:58 AM

    I dont suggest you take pills. If u take anti-depressants, there is a risk they you may grow dependent on them.
    I have a friend who if he doesnt take it every mornings, he is just depressed and irritated the whole day.
    To almost suicidal. Its not pretty.

    that is what i am afraid of.
    i have seen to many drug addicts in my life ( in my family & in the streets). it's a scary sight.

    "Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." ~ Andre Gide

  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #10 - June 20, 2010, 01:06 AM

    I dont suggest you take pills. If u take anti-depressants, there is a risk they you may grow dependent on them.
    I have a friend who if he doesnt take it every mornings, he is just depressed and irritated the whole day.
    To almost suicidal. Its not pretty.

    Hanan, that's not the case with everyone though. I'm on 450 mg of bupropion and 400 mg of fluexotine. Been on the bupropion for about 2 years, although at 300 mg until 6 mos ago, and on the fluexotine for 6 mos. I've gone off them for as much as 3 days, no issues. When I was just on the bupropion I could go off that for over a week, no issues.

    I'm not saying I haven't developed ANY dependency on them, but it's not as dramatic as you're talking about. My depression was so bad that I couldn't leave my house, I couldn't do my job or socialize. I had to take a month of sick leave from work, and had it not been for the meds I probably would have lost my job/gone on disability.

    I'm still moody and way fucked-up but I can function again.

    I do think psych meds may be overprescribed and that those thinking of going on them should do a lot of their own research first. It's probably also true that there are other things some depressed people can do besides take pills, and that rarely are prescription drugs an easy fix-- even those who need them will likely have to do other things besides just pop a pill to be healthy. However, I really don't think you should be advising LuckyTShirt to dismiss the possibility of getting a prescription for such drugs out of hand, provided other methods alone are ineffective and he is informed about the drugs.

    fuck you
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #11 - June 20, 2010, 01:57 AM

     Lucky -   occasional bouts of depression are a part of the human condition . The problem is spotting when this spills over into a clinical depression . People who don't know you can't make that call , even those closest to you might find it difficult . I think you're right to be cautious about antidepressants , in my opinion these drugs are far too quickly prescribed , they are vital for some people , but can cause more problems than they solve for others
      I note from your post that you've left school and your religion ? I'm assuming this is quite recent and that you're pretty young ? That's not meant to sound dismissive , but I think it's probably got a lot to do with how you're feeling . You've lost a couple of the things that gave your life structure and meaning ( and may well have lost friends / acquaintances  as well ) , and you're suddenly faced with taking it all on your own shoulders and figuring out your purpose in life . That's a lot to deal with , but it's something everybody has to go through , and you'll probably come out the other side feeling stronger . I think you should try and talk to your parents - they may well have noticed something's up anyway , and if it gets unbearable , go to the doctor . You can always just go along to ask for  a physical / blood tests - any competent doctor is going to ask a few questions anyway , and they should be able to help you clarify whether it's just your standard issue existential angst or something that needs treatment .
     One more thing , as well as the things others have already mentioned , try to get out of the house and do something physical . There is strong evidence that the endorphins produced by exercise work better than chemical anti-depressants . You won't feel like it , it'll take a major effort of will , but you really WILL feel better
      Good luck
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #12 - June 20, 2010, 02:04 AM


    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    - 32nd United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #13 - June 20, 2010, 02:23 AM

    Try and do some other stuff to alleviate the depression before going on meds. I was depressed and I had a serious drug problem when I became Muslim and the religion actually cured it. (im not saying to do that haha)

    But I also started exercising and eating healthy which I think is the best non-meds thing you can do. Go to the gym throw some weight around and you will be surprised how good you start to feel.

    I'm an asshat.
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #14 - June 20, 2010, 02:26 AM

    Dig Dug, you should seriously post an intro thread. Also someone from the staff needs to put you in the "Ex-Muslim" member category (there's a thread in the Ex-Muslim Blogs and Bios section "Are you Ex-Muslim?")

    fuck you
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #15 - June 20, 2010, 02:31 AM

    Try and do some other stuff to alleviate the depression before going on meds. I was depressed and I had a serious drug problem when I became Muslim and the religion actually cured it. (im not saying to do that haha)

     Cheesy Religion is another drug.

    Quote from: Q-Man
    Dig Dug, you should seriously post an intro thread. Also someone from the staff needs to put you in the "Ex-Muslim" member category (there's a thread in the Ex-Muslim Blogs and Bios section "Are you Ex-Muslim?")

    I was thinking that too.

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #16 - June 20, 2010, 02:32 AM

    I've had periods of depression.

    The worst thing you can do in my experience is staying home spending the day on internet, smoking, drinking, porn, and compulsive masturbating. I once did that and ended up not going out of the house for 6 days in a row.

    The best thing you can do is just get out of the house especially in the morning. With me, walking around a busy city centre really helped get me out of depression.
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #17 - June 20, 2010, 02:32 AM

    Dig Dug, you should seriously post an intro thread. Also someone from the staff needs to put you in the "Ex-Muslim" member category (there's a thread in the Ex-Muslim Blogs and Bios section "Are you Ex-Muslim?")

    Ive been meaning to write this up I might get on it tonight. I'm an ex-muslim convert

    Cheesy Religion is another drug.

    definitely haha

    I'm an asshat.
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #18 - June 20, 2010, 02:35 AM

    I've had periods of depression.

    The worst thing you can do in my experience is staying home spending the day on internet, smoking, drinking, porn, and compulsive masturbating. I once did that and ended up not going out of the house for 6 days in a row.

    It's like you're my long lost twin brother or somethin!  Cheesy

    The best thing you can do is just get out of the house especially in the morning. With me, walking around a busy city centre really helped get me out of depression.

    Me too. If you don't get out in the morning the chances you get out while it's still light out drop quite a bit.

    fuck you
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #19 - June 20, 2010, 02:43 AM

    The worst thing you can do in my experience is staying home spending the day on internet, smoking, drinking, porn, and compulsive masturbating. I once did that and ended up not going out of the house for 6 days in a row.

    I did this when I left Islam...I was bored out of my mind and lonely so I bought a bunch of herb and just sat at home and smoked doing just what you said. Didn't workout lost 10lbs of muscle... just made me feel 10x worse

    I'm an asshat.
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #20 - June 20, 2010, 02:50 AM

    It's like you're my long lost twin brother or somethin!  Cheesy

    That was definitely one of the worst stages of my life. It was a month after I moved to the UK and I had just discovered that I missed the medical school application deadline for that year. On top of that my family was out of town for a week so I stayed at home all by myself. I remember buying more than £60 worth of booze that week.

    Me too. If you don't get out in the morning the chances you get out while it's still light out drop quite a bit.

    Yup. Going out while it's dark will not help. Do it in the morning while the town centre is busy. Also, don't listen to music in your Ipod or whatever. It will isolate you. You need to interact with other people. Get a bagel and a cup of coffee, walk around a park, and breath the fresh air.
    If it wasn't for that (as well as getting a girlfriend) my depression would've lasted longer and became more serious.
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #21 - June 20, 2010, 03:11 AM

    That was definitely one of the worst stages of my life. It was a month after I moved to the UK and I had just discovered that I missed the medical school application deadline for that year. On top of that my family was out of town for a week so I stayed at home all by myself. I remember buying more than £60 worth of booze that week.

    I find it completely hilarious that you were in Baghdad during the Iraq War, your dad was kidnapped by a militia, and yet staying at home with your parents out of town, getting drunk and jerking off to a bunch of porn for a week straight you consider to be one of the worst stages of your life.  Cheesy

    See, this is why the West is awesome.

    Going out while it's dark will not help.

    No, but it won't hurt either. Okay it might not hurt. Step into the darkness.

    fuck you
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #22 - June 20, 2010, 03:22 AM

    yea you def need to get outside daylight is very important for the brain to function normaly!
    where i live we have like one hour of sun a day in the winter.
    and my country has among the highest numbers of suicides each year on the planet. research has showed its partly
    because of the lack of sunhours in the long winters (like 5 months!). has something to do with vitamins an stuff.
    many people have these "light rooms" at home that are completely in white with like lamps and shit in them.
    i think its called "light therapy".
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #23 - June 20, 2010, 03:25 AM

    I find it completely hilarious that you were in Baghdad during the Iraq War, your dad was kidnapped by a militia, and yet staying at home with your parents out of town, getting drunk and jerking off to a bunch of porn for a week straight you consider to be one of the worst stages of your life.  Cheesy

    Yeah the days when my father was kidnapped were really awful. But I was too frightened and worried to feel depression. All in all they were the WOST days in my life.
    Also, he was released after less than 2 weeks. Whereas the period of depression I was talking about lasted for months. I felt very lost and purposeless during most of them. I was afraid I might not be able to finish my studies.
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #24 - June 20, 2010, 07:07 AM

    I echo a lot of the sentiment on here. Its something that happens to everyone at some point and the main thing is to not let it spiral to anything else. Its just a change of chemicals in the brain which could be caused by anything from diet to genetic disposition. The sitting around the house and boredom are not causing your depression , they are a symptom of it, however it is good to get out becuase inactivity will allow depression to feed on itself.

    You have already started the fightback by the simple virtue of talking about it. Depression can only thrive of the power that is surrendered to it , in itself it has no power except to fool us into thinking it is stronger than us.

    From what you say I think you will be fine, the biggest fear , and the thing that cuases most panic and distress  in people with depression is that it will never go away. It will.  The trick is to starve it of the conditions in which it best grows,  inactivity, isolating yourself and non-verbalisation of your thoughts.

    According to the polls only 1.6 % of Americans are athiests. So what gives you the right to call the other 80% morons?'
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #25 - June 20, 2010, 08:13 AM

    Some very good points brought out by the other members here.

    You're not alone Lucky!!! That's the one thing you should always remember. At such low points in your life, it's natural to think that you are the only one but you're not.

    You've just finished school AND dropped your religion. Both these things are life altering changes in themselves, so it's not hard to see that combining the two would make you feel despondent.

    Think of the good things. There's so much suffering and sorrow in this world. I'm sure you have it better than many. Write a list of things you are fortunate to have and look at it often. The subtle positive reminders will slowly work its way against the depressive thoughts.

    No harm in speaking to your doctor though. There could be a simple physiological explanation or maybe not. It's best to rule that out first. And like everyone else has said, it's very tempting to withdraw from social contact during such phases but try not to give in to the isolation.
    You have people out here to chat with, but it also helps if you actually go out with your friends and family and have a few good laughs. It really helps lighten the 'blah' feeling inside.

    ((Big hugs to Lucky))

  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #26 - June 20, 2010, 09:56 AM

    I've suffered from depression for ten years of my life, been hospitalized twice, gone to a dozen different psychologists, group therapies, tried various herbal remedies, etc. and the only thing that finally worked was a mild dose of antidepressants.

    Unfortunately I was of the opinion for about nine of those years (like most people) that anti-depressants are evil, pumped out by the drug companies in order to medicate the masses into emotionless drones, that they only mask your problems and so forth but now I feel ridiculous that I didn't go on them about 8 years sooner. Basically it took the advice from a friend who was on them, in combination with the head of the psych ward telling me, "sure you have your prejudices about medications, but do you think things can really get worse at this point?"

    I'm not saying they are for everyone -- chances are, you don't need them -- but if you find yourself being seriously depressed the majority of days for 6 months to a year, and you've exhausted all other options, you might want to consider going to a psychiatrist. Definitely don't go to a regular GP, they don't know enough about psych medications and won't adequately monitor your progress, whether you should switch meds or whatever.

    That is only half the battle though, and medications take a long time to work, and also you may have to switch several times. There may be side effects (I don't have that many, maybe drowsiness), and some drugs may even make you worse. If you miss a few days of pills, sometimes even a day, or abruptly stop taking doses, you will crash. If you choose to go off them you will have to wean yourself off of them for several months. Luckily I hit it right on the first try, have very few side effects (if any), and didn't have too many problems weaning onto a lower dose, though this is not the case for everyone.

    Even with meds you need to work hard at figuring out what makes you happy -- being on meds will only help you to think clearer about your situation and yourself without being completely crippled by symptoms of depression. You still have a lot of work to do on yourself.

    Here is a list of other alternatives, to try before meds (or even during meds, if you go that route):

    Exercise, eating well and sleeping well (a must)
    Group councelling
    Psychologist (a GOOD one)
    Herbal remedies (St. John's Wort, various flower extracts, and scent therapy)
    Art therapy (You can do this one alone, or there are some groups that offer it)
    Light therapy (for SAD ppl)
    Talking to friends (just to talk -- friends don't always have the best advice)
    Volunteering or doing good things for other people
    Reading teachings of Buddhists, Sufis etc. (in a non-religious way, of course)
    Taking time out every day to relfect on who you are
    Taking time out to relfect on your relationships with other people
    Focusing on fixing various "cognitive distortions" (I won't discuss them here, but here is a list: )
    Enrolling in activities you always wanted to pursue but "didn't have time for"
    Spending time with nature and animals (hike?)
    Reading insightful novels
    Laughing (there are some laughing youga sessions around)

    I'm sure there are a million more, but here's a start. It's really hit and miss what will work for you -- these are just some ideas.

    Though I've had my ups and downs, I'm happy to say that I've beaten depression for the last year and a half, and it's been the best year of my life. So there is hope. And I'm defo around for anyone on this forum who needs and ear or a shoulder. (Or just more info on all things depression)

    Much love to everyone who has gone through depression on this forum (which seems like a lot of people), it's awful and though I can't know exactly what you're going through as everyone is different, I know life just tends to be a tough road, so kudos to you for sticking around Wink
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #27 - June 20, 2010, 10:06 AM

    Great post zoomi!!

    Glad to hear your life has pretty much turned around.

  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #28 - June 20, 2010, 10:20 AM

    I've been seriously depressed for years.

    However I have done the route of meds, and they did sweet fuck all for me.  For awhile they worked, they made me feel happy everyday.  But crazy happy  (I will explain).  Then they just stopped working and the dose I needed to take increased until I was on 40mg of citalopram daily. still with no change.

    I have been off meds for long while now.  They aren't hard to come off of, I had the shakes, like an electric shock going through my body every 5-10 minutes, but mentally there was no addiction.

    The reason I say that they made me crazy happy, is because I was taking them when I was married to an abusive man, and they just made it easier for me to accept my situation.  He would hit me, he would say sorry, and I was full of happy joy and sunshiney feelings, so it was alot easier to forgive.

    Coming off them always made me increasingly unhappy when I was with him, when the drugs are out of your system, the truth of your life just shines through.  I believe that not being on them may have meant I left sooner, can't prove it, but all the thought I have given to it makes me believe this would have been the case.

    I am currently about to undertake a years course of DBT, to try to help me with some of the stuff that accompanied my depression, but I would say the depression itself has eased off as I have changed my life now.

    Since I started going to college, I have been in a different place.  I still have my issues, but I don't feel hopeless, I feel alive again.  I feel positive about stuff, and I'm starting to believe it's worth looking forward in life again. 

    I think sometimes our depression is circumstantial, unhappy at out jobs, in our relationships,, feeling trapped, not dealing with life, stuff like that.  It's not always something that meds can fix, all they can do is make you more accepting of the things that make you unhappy in the first place.  Of course sometimes it's medical and could need meds, they do work for some, but I would suggest taking stock of where you are in life right now and seeing if it's the outside stuff making your inside feeling so down.

    Definitely go to a doctor for a blood test, but if your results come back fine, than check your life out, make changes if need be, before you consider meds.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: I need your advice: How do you handle depression?
     Reply #29 - June 20, 2010, 10:25 AM

    I've been depressed as well (I think I might sill be, to a lesser degree than before). At fist I didn't know the reason, but looking back I guess I subconsciously knew I was slowly becoming a kafir. I was terrified of hell and I hated my life and myself. In the end I began to accept myself, not believing in hell really helped.

    That more than anything helped me.

    I saw a psychiatrist for while, sometimes it made me feel better sometimes even worse. She prescribed me some ant-depressants but it didn't have an effect on me. I couldn't go to group therapy because of the language barriers (it's a non-English speaking country), but I did got to group art therapy it was pretty good.

    The only advise I can give is exercise and interacting with people, even when you feel you can't, don't want to, or if you think it won't help. Better at least try.

    This may seem stupid but the one thing that can make me feel better, whether it makes me happy when depressed or normal when I'm sick, is animals.
    Whenever I'm around them I feel really happy. When I got sick before, I remember my old cat curling up beside on my bed and purring, it made me feel better and calmer. Whenever I meet a dog when I'm out it also has the same effect, even after I walk away I still feel happy and I end up almost skipping back home.

    I don't think that really helped much, but I don't have much to say.

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