good..good Glad to hear you Momin Rasheed ., Muhammad Rasheed
Yes. You will either win or lose in life, and surely those who win are those who chose Allah, Lord of all the worlds. Glory be to He!
really?? .. Is it in this life or after this life?.. Hooo ha..ha.. Zadu.. yes fear mongering is the name of the game in brainless religious bums Rasheed., We are not children Rasheed., we got to get over this santa clauses and voodoo dolls
This is a strawman. Who said you were not to inquire?
who said? you.. you said it Rasheed you just said right in the first statement .. read your words again..
Did not the Muslim scientists during the Islamic Golden Age inquire?
Muslim scientists?? No no.. there is NO Muslims scientists, No Christian scientists Jewish scientists., Pagan scientists.. Science is nothing to do with stupid 1000 year old religious rubbish you see in so-called scriptures
Have I myself not demonstrated an interest in science and inquired into the workings of the creation?
what is the big deal about you demonstrating an interest in science? every one does that .. High school kids do that high school drop outs do that Rasheed
Know you that this inquiry has led only to the Straight Way of my Lord, and Allah is the best of those to answer inquiry.
sure..sure I heard that umpteen times from umpteen religions bums Rasheed., So why is allah is the best ? is there any other one apart from allah?
You should, or things will go badly for you. Have a care.
Really badly.. badly for me?? why? what did I do?? But I care.. I care about lots of stuff.. lots of people including you
I notice that you have a disdain for attempting to make sense.
Yes I do I do have disdain, I disdain religious bums ..silly religious books , and RASCALS that use religions to meet their needs, t Indeed I disdain and have no respect to these rascals Rasheed
Happy new year and my good wishes to you