There is this cafe just around the corner from my place that does the most divine bacon and egg buns. I sometimes have sausage and egg though, which are just as delish. I can't resist because I can smell the bacon frying as soon as I leave my front door in the morning. I go into a trance and follow the scent trail like a bloodhound. I think the cook adds addictives or something. I'm craving one even as I type this.
Best one I ever had though was at a construction site in the city here. This guy had set up a shitty looking trailer and was selling breakfast buns out of it for the workers. I was stumbling home one morning and took a chance at a sausage and egg bun to sober me up a bit. WOW! Taste explosion! Juicy, seasoned Lincolnshire pork sausages, with that special alchemy of spices that makes your mouth water, with that sweet animal fat taste that makes vegetarians jealous, that you know is gonna give you a heart attack but tastes so damn goood. Fried egg, the ones that burst golden yolk in your mouth and it drips down your chin. Fresh baked bread buns, the soft, chewy, miss-shaped ones, not the processed ones you buy in supermarkets. And Daddy's brown sauce... fuuuck meeee!
It was an orgasm in a bun. I went back again and again. I miss that guy...
Marry me !
No seriously, if you smoke, I'm gonna propose.

Oh and weclome to the forum