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 Topic: Halal-only Menus

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  • Halal-only Menus
     OP - September 13, 2010, 05:49 PM

    Halal-only Menus
     RESIDENTS across Harrow have vented their anger about proposals to have Halal-only menus in primary schools in the borough.  Meat is meat. What does it matter how it’s killed? These stupid parents should find other things to whine about. Halal meat is more hygienically processed anyway.The newspaper revealed exclusively how Harrow Council has employed a catering company to only prepare Halal meat – to serve youngsters in Harrow. This is nothing new to my knowledge, Tower Hamlets council been doing Halal meat in schools for at least 3 years or more.
    The Halal slaughter method (along with Shechita which is the name for pretty much the same method used by Jews) is not cruel at all. When the animal's throat is slit, it results in a massive drop in blood pressure causing pretty much instantaneous unconsciousness. As long as the cut is performed correctly the animal will feel a mere instant of pain compared to the intense suffering they can go through in abattoir's with the "normal" slaughter method. The link that has been made between this story and Britain becoming an Islamic State is a bit extreme. The majority of British people are atheist. But it doesn't mean we can't try and make life easier and better for people of all faiths and cultures. All children should be offered a choice. That way Muslims can eat what they want and non-Muslims can eat what they want.

    The Muslim community has been passing through a phase of fourth Crusades. The battleground is the field of education, where the young generation will be educated properly with the Holly Quran in one hand and Sciences in other hand to serve humanity. A true Muslim is a citizen of the world, which has become a small global village. We are going to prepare our youth to achieve that objective in the long run. A true Muslim believes in Prophet Moses and the Prophet Jesus and without them one cannot be a Muslim. My suggestion is that in all state, independent and Christian based school special attention should be given to the teaching of Comparative Religion and Islam should be taught by qualified Muslim Teachers to make the children aware the closeness of Islam to Christianity and Judaism which will help them to think about Islam, as “A Pragmatic and Modern Way of Life,” during their life time.  Those state schools where Muslim children are in majority may be opted out as Muslim Academies.

    Bilingual Muslim children need to learn and be well versed in Standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. The problem is that they learn English in the streets and in the playgrounds. British schooling does not teach English to migrant children. The teachers let them speak the same accent in the classroom. They have no courage to stop them or correct them. This is one of the main reasons why one third of children have difficulties with reading when they leave primary schools. Majority of such children are bilingual Muslims. They often speak "street" with its own grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. In other European countries and in the sub-continent argot and slang are not allowed into the classrooms. In Britain primary school teachers do not feel that it's role to interfere with self-expression in any shape or form. They encourage children to read poems and stories written in ethnic dialects.

    There are couples of state schools in Harrow where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies so that non-Muslim children could enjoy their own meals in their own schools.
    Iftikhar Ahmad
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #1 - September 13, 2010, 06:11 PM

    Halal isnt intended to be a less painful as possible for the animal. Its simply ritually slaughtered food by recitation of the verses of the Quran and pronouncing Allah's name. Muslims are not allowed to consume food that is given to them by pronouncing the name of other Gods. So why should non-Muslims accept Halal food?

    Sikhs are forbidden to eat ritually slaughtered meat like Halal. Hindus and Sikhs according to their deitary laws are supposed to eat Jhatka meat.

    Jhatka is a means of slaughtering an animal for food by inducing the least amount of pain possible. Done with one swift blow on the neck, to kill the animal instantaneously.
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #2 - September 13, 2010, 06:19 PM

     the slaughter to obtain halal meat is much more humane than what you see in some slaughter houses around the US and UK. but why so attached to the notion of halal meat ?wouldn't it be less painless even, to shoot animals  in the head as way of ending their lives? and just call it permissible slaughter. Does Islams say on things always have to be the perfect way ??

    "Tomorrow is the today you were worried about yesterday" Unknown
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #3 - September 13, 2010, 06:21 PM

    Halal isnt

    Sikhs are forbidden to eat ritually slaughtered meat like Halal. Hindus and Sikhs according to their deitary laws are supposed to eat Jhatka meat.

    Jhatka is a means of slaughtering an animal for food by inducing the least amount of pain possible. Done with one swift blow on the neck, to kill the animal instantaneously.

    New info !

    "Tomorrow is the today you were worried about yesterday" Unknown
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #4 - September 13, 2010, 06:27 PM

    the slaughter to obtain halal meat is much more humane than what you see in some slaughter houses around the US and UK. but why so attached to the notion of halal meat ?wouldn't it be less painless even, to shoot animals  in the head as way of ending their lives? and just call it permissible slaughter. Does Islams say on things always have to be the perfect way ??

    Thats my problem. Muslims always want to have things their way. This Halal issue is mainly for two reasons.

    1) to show the kuffar that the way of the Muslims is to be applied upon them as well. It gives them a sense of control.

    2) Halal food can only be prepared by Muslims, so this gives them a monopoly over catering industry, securing jobs for Muslims.

    Muslims can not, and should not, have things only their way, all the time.

    No specific religious group should be given special priviledges over another. This is against equality and freedom of religion.
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #5 - September 13, 2010, 06:37 PM

    So once again, as always , cultural sensitivity and tolerance is a one way street.
    on a similar side note, Noticed a couple of muslims on the news burning american flags and condemning the church, but THATS ok isnt it, just aslong as its nothing directed at insulting them, only then is it a problem.

    The actual events of how the animal is killed is second to the principal of what's being established.
    (Even though different farms vary the ways of killing their animals, but halal-style is always the same)

    As stated by others, it's once again a case of muslims attempting to dominate every aspect of non-muslim societies, whether they be the majority or the minority with an absolute disregard for anyone elses perspective and/or opinion,
    but its simply one more example of a much bigger problem.

    These people seem to be intent on making this country an Islamic why the hell dont they go back to their countries where it already exists? oh thats right, because Islam and its theocracy turned them into third world wastelands so they left!
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #6 - September 13, 2010, 06:40 PM

    hmm, gonna have to have separate dining areas.hmm maybe even separate classes so those not allowed to do music lessons can be excused. hmm might as well chuck out that religious education lesson as well. Infact why educate those females in the first place

    yes of course the council will pay for it, they've got extra  money flowing all over the place!

    now all you have to do is get enough school council members in to do your bidding *mwahhahhahahah*

    or maybe school should be about education, seems a bit weird that those Muslims that went though and survived the education system without their portion of halal food managed to survive to adulthood without starving to death.

    If you ask me to define anything i will slap you with my pimp hand and make you cry like a biatch.

    Nick Naylor: "I didn't have to. I proved that you're wrong, and if you're wrong I'm right."~ Thank you for Smoking

  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #7 - September 13, 2010, 06:49 PM

    I don't understand that in a secular non Muslim country we have such situation and that religious people do have such influence. If they have a problem with non halal meat they can eat something else and eat meat at home evenings or the weekend. They can eat tofu or fish. It is said in the article that meat is meat so where is the problem and according to some scholars it is allowed to eat the meat of the people of the book. I think also that the problem is that when you buy halal meat, a part of the money is going to mosques or Islamic organizations. (Don't know if it is like this in England).
    I agree with you when you said that tolerance is only going one way with Muslims.
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #8 - September 13, 2010, 07:05 PM

    Please don't take this guy seriously. He's an idiot that comes here every now and then to post Islamic propaganda.

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #9 - September 13, 2010, 07:14 PM

    Mods - ifftikhar now unnashamedly advertises why he is here in his profile

    Afraid of debates and here to spam

    , can we ban him now as all he has done since he's been here is abuse the rules & spammed

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  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #10 - September 13, 2010, 07:15 PM

    afraid of debates and here to spam  Cheesy

    i saw that part now just before you posted Islame .

    think the Mods did it ?

    "Tomorrow is the today you were worried about yesterday" Unknown
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #11 - September 13, 2010, 07:16 PM

    All children should be offered a choice. That way Muslims can eat what they want and non-Muslims can eat what they want.
    There are couples of state schools in Harrow where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies so that non-Muslim children could enjoy their own meals in their own schools.
    There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies. This is the solution to all the issues and problems faced by Muslim community and the host community. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.
    Multicultural Britain has a relatively large broad trilingual population whose skills are under recognised and understood.Those skills should be used as a bonus, but British schooling has been trying its best to discourage them not to learn and speak their mother tongues. According to an anthropological linguist, when a language dies, its heritage and identity will die with it. There is a positive co-relation between language and culture. Language and culture are interconnected.
    A report by the Institute for Community Cohesion found that native parents were deserting some schools after finding their children out numbered by pupils from ethnic minorities. Schools in parts of England are becoming increasingly segregated. The study focused on 13 local authorities. Many of the schools and colleges are segregated and this was generally worsening over recent years. This is RACISM because British society is the home of institutional racism. My statement regarding Muslim schools where there is no place for non-Muslim child or a teacher is based on educational process and not on racism. Muslim children need Muslim teachers during their developmental periods. For higher studies and research, Muslim teacher is not a priority.
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #12 - September 13, 2010, 07:21 PM

    Iftikhar is a perfect textbook example of ISLAM IS THE ONE TRUE RELIGION syndrome that a lot of Muslims suffer from.

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #13 - September 13, 2010, 07:26 PM

    Iftikhar!! pssst...woho! earth calling  Smiley

    "Tomorrow is the today you were worried about yesterday" Unknown
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #14 - September 13, 2010, 07:29 PM

    afraid of debates and here to spam  Cheesy

    i saw that part now just before you posted Islame .

    think the Mods did it ?

    Possibly, Ifthikar doesnt see the sense in debating as Islam is true, Full Stop.  

    The islamization process is complete with Iffy - his personality & brain are now hardwired to believe, and even if you were to show Ifthikar evidence of it not being true, it would make no difference now.

    Here's a sneak preview of him doing prayers

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #15 - September 13, 2010, 07:31 PM

    afraid of debates and here to spam  Cheesy

    think the Mods did it ?


    German ex-Muslim forumMy YouTubeList of Ex-Muslims
    Wikis: en de fr ar tr
    I'm on an indefinite break...
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #16 - September 13, 2010, 07:32 PM

    "all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies"

    "My statement regarding Muslim schools where there is no place for non-Muslim child or a teacher is based on educational process and not on racism. Muslim children need Muslim teachers during their developmental periods. For higher studies and research, Muslim teacher is not a priority."

    The best would have been not to come in England or move to a Muslim country. If these school
     should be transformed in Muslim academies, than they should be exclusively financed with by Muslims living in England and not from Saudi Arabia or other Muslim countries. Your not living alone on the moon but with other different people. Don't always ask other people (who are in their own country) to make concessions.
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #17 - September 13, 2010, 07:34 PM

    afraid of debates and here to spam  Cheesy

    i saw that part now just before you posted Islame .

    think the Mods did it ?

    Ring 007859 incident compensation for instances of mod kill to get your compensation, with added information and advice on evading tax and getting benefits.
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #18 - September 13, 2010, 07:35 PM

    "all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies"

    "My statement regarding Muslim schools where there is no place for non-Muslim child or a teacher is based on educational process and not on racism. Muslim children need Muslim teachers during their developmental periods. For higher studies and research, Muslim teacher is not a priority."

    The best would have been not to come in England or move to a Muslim country. If these school
     should be transformed in Muslim academies, than they should be exclusively financed with by Muslims living in England and not from Saudi Arabia or other Muslim countries. Your not living alone on the moon but with other different people. Don't always ask other people (who are in their own country) to make concessions.

    Exactly this
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #19 - September 13, 2010, 07:35 PM

    Possibly, Ifthikar doesnt see the sense in debating as Islam is true, Full Stop.  

    The islamization process is complete with Iffy - his personality & brain are now hardwired to believe, and even if you were to show Ifthikar evidence of it not being true, it would make no difference now.

    Here's a sneak preview of him doing prayers

    does this robot shoot lazers?

    If you ask me to define anything i will slap you with my pimp hand and make you cry like a biatch.

    Nick Naylor: "I didn't have to. I proved that you're wrong, and if you're wrong I'm right."~ Thank you for Smoking

  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #20 - September 13, 2010, 07:41 PM

    Possibly, Ifthikar doesnt see the sense in debating as Islam is true, Full Stop.  

    The islamization process is complete with Iffy - his personality & brain are now hardwired to believe, and even if you were to show Ifthikar evidence of it not being true, it would make no difference now.

    Here's a sneak preview of him doing prayers


    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #21 - September 13, 2010, 07:42 PM

     cracked me up Cheesy Cheesy
    although this robot is doing sujood all wrong ...

    "Tomorrow is the today you were worried about yesterday" Unknown
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #22 - September 13, 2010, 08:43 PM

    RESIDENTS across Harrow have vented their anger about proposals to have Halal-only menus in primary schools in the borough.  Meat is meat. What does it matter how it’s killed? These stupid parents should find other things to whine about.

    I'm glad you think so.  Now can you go away and tell Muslims that. grin12

    All children should be offered a choice. That way Muslims can eat what they want and non-Muslims can eat what they want.

    So if a Muslim child refuses to eat Halal meat, would that be tolerated by their parents?

    My suggestion is that in all state, independent and Christian based school special attention should be given to the teaching of Comparative Religion and Islam should be taught by qualified Muslim Teachers to make the children aware the closeness of Islam to Christianity and Judaism which will help them to think about Islam, as “A Pragmatic and Modern Way of Life,” during their life time.

    Will Muslim schools also teach secular humanism and the arguments against theism?
    I agree that teaching comparative religion is good.  The children will soon realise all religions are complete bs. grin12

    There are couples of state schools in Harrow where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies so that non-Muslim children could enjoy their own meals in their own schools.

    One way street again, eh!  Roll Eyes
    Furthermore, you seem to want to divide and segregate communities rather than unite and integrate communities.  This, as you know, is a recipe for disaster -- a recipe for extremism, bigotry, and a perpetuation of the human rights abuses you see in developing countries.  I mean things like domestic violence, forced marriages, honour killings, lack of womens rights or LGBT rights etc.

    Moreover, do you really want non-Muslim schools to deny Muslims living in the area/town a place in the school??
    And what kind of Muslim school will it be?  Which sect?  Who decides?  There are several different sects within Islam, and they already have their own Mosques.

    There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.

    What??  How would the Muslims react if someone made the reciprocal statement??  You love tolerance when it is shown to you, but you want to be very intolerant towards non-Muslims. Roll Eyes

    Multicultural Britain has a relatively large broad trilingual population whose skills are under recognised and understood.Those skills should be used as a bonus, but British schooling has been trying its best to discourage them not to learn and speak their mother tongues. According to an anthropological linguist, when a language dies, its heritage and identity will die with it. There is a positive co-relation between language and culture. Language and culture are interconnected.

    Immigrants who willingly migrate to the West should not be surprised when they find that their culture or the culture of their children is being lost.  That's what happens, dude!  Cultures constantly evolve.  What else do you expect??  Get into the real world.

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #23 - September 13, 2010, 08:47 PM

    does this robot shoot lazers?

    only if it sees you eating during ramadhan

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  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #24 - September 13, 2010, 09:03 PM

    In summary, your posts (about cousin marriages, Muslim schools, and now Halal meals)  are really meant to ensure the survival of the religion.  You can see that Muslim children in the West are getting westernised and turning away from religion (or will do), so you try to create an environment like you have in Muslim countries.  This is a well-known strategy to preserve a cult/religion/tribe.  You don't want to adapt to fit the environment, so you adapt the environment to fit you. Roll Eyes

    You are infected by the virus of religion, my friend.  I suggest you take a good dose of the critical thinking, mixed with a bit of nonconformity, and don't forget the RAS (Reason and Science). Wink

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #25 - September 13, 2010, 09:44 PM

    wouldn't it be less painless even, to shoot animals  in the head as way of ending their lives?

    Yes, but it would be more expensive in terms of paying for ammunition and the hefty liability insurance that would accompany having slaughterhouse employees equipped with firearms, and in some more restrictive jurisdictions may require special licensing.

    In general, I get rather annoyed by people who get outraged over halal slaughter. If you* haven't killed an animal for food yourself or are not a vegetarian, probably best to limit your outrage at the risk of being exposed as either ignorant, a hypocrite or both. Slaughtering animals is a dirty task any way you slice it (pun intended) and it's very difficult to develop a method that ensures painlessness. It's been almost 220 years since a group of French physicians tried to develop the guillotine as a "painless" method of executing humans, and several hangings, firing squads, electrocutions, gas chamber killings and lethal injections later, we are still debating the most humane and painless method of killing a human (some people say hanging is more humane than lethal injection), so I wouldn't count on this answer to be forthcoming for lesser animals anytime soon.

    *General "you" in use here, not you in particular mufa9a.

    fuck you
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #26 - September 13, 2010, 10:21 PM

    I thought the salad bar Muslim was capable of cherry picking the Quran anyways?

    If the moderate is capable of not beating disobedient wives or scourging young lovers, or capable of ignoring the command to despise the non-believer thats on almost every page, I'm quite sure it wont make much difference on the last day if they eat a bit of swine flesh now and again.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #27 - September 13, 2010, 11:08 PM

    In summary, your posts (about cousin marriages, Muslim schools, and now Halal meals)  are really meant to ensure the survival of the religion.  You can see that Muslim children in the West are getting westernised and turning away from religion (or will do), so you try to create an environment like you have in Muslim countries.  This is a well-known strategy to preserve a cult/religion/tribe.  You don't want to adapt to fit the environment, so you adapt the environment to fit you. Roll Eyes

    You are infected by the virus of religion, my friend.  I suggest you take a good dose of the critical thinking, mixed with a bit of nonconformity, and don't forget the RAS (Reason and Science). Wink

    At our local primary school there is a muslim minority.  What they do there, where the children do have a limited choice of menu,  is not to offer meat dishes of any kind to the muslim children.  This is after consultation with the children's parents as there is no option for halal meat choices.

    Apparently the muslim kids cry and complain and say they want what all the others are having.  dance

    "The greatest general is not the one who can take the most cities or spill the most blood. The greatest general is the one who can take Heaven and Earth without waging the battle." ~ Sun Tzu

  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #28 - September 13, 2010, 11:11 PM

    Hehe, do they get given any if they want it?
  • Re: Halal-only Menus
     Reply #29 - September 13, 2010, 11:39 PM

    The way in which the animal is slaughtered is only one of the criteria for halal meat.  The other criteria is that the slaughterman has to be a Muslim.

    Muslims are not allowed to eat meat which was prepared by the filthy dirty najis infidel non-Muslims.

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