Here an excerpt from my sie: living thing is made from water, so says the Qur'an: 21:30
...and we made every living thing of water? Of course today we know that all living beings comprise a relatively high percentage of water. Muslims ask how Muhammad could know this, fourteen hundred years ago, unless it was divinely inspired.
The easiest response would be to state that Galen, in the second century, had already elaborated on the idea that the body is composed of a balance between the four elements present on earth- fire, earth, water, and air. In addition the Hindu scripture, Bhagavad-gita, preceding the Qur'an by 3,500 years provides even greater details on the composition of bodies of material living beings.
BG 7:4 Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego, all together these eight constitute My separated material energies.