Q: What is the difference between propagating Islamist memes to propagating developed memes?
My Answer: So while it is obvious there is consequentialist differences between the memes and one beats the other hands down in that respect, in terms of the reasoning behind
why one set of memes should be propagated more so than another in this day and age, I guess it comes down to the nature of which way that meme perpetually stays in existence. Islamic memes hang around through forceful ways: prayers, fear, hatred, false-sacredness, false-grievances and other forms of what is essentially mind indoctrination. Would it stand up to an inquisitive mind that constantly questions? I very much doubt so.
Therefore, if these memes do hang around due to such forceful methods, then I think it is right to limit the methods available to the meme in spreading.
It's also important to note that the
better memes are floating in an environment whereby they are disadvantaged to what is good and right: i.e. that you constantly question and are exposed to rationality. The likes of evolution, equality between sexes, not starving yourself for a month, not hating Jews cannot compete with Islam's opposite memes when it has the advantage to implement itself with forceful methods of being propagated and furthermore, Islam has to be ‘respected’ and not ‘upset’ it’s followers to the spineless politicians at large or your even Joe Bloggs who might get murdered for depicting Mohammed.
If memes where a sport, Islam would be taking drugs because it cannot compete with other memes on a fair level playing field. Hence why doping is banned. Hence why limiting the propagating methods used by Islamic memes is the right thing to do as far as I can see.
Q: Is torture okay to be done in Guantanamo bay?
My answer:
- I don't think enemies deserve domestic rights. If they wouldn't give us such rights, they don't deserve them back.
- If torture does reveal plots, I think the ends do justify the means.
- All this talk of torture - torture isn't used for torturing’s sake, it's used to reveal info to save lives of people. If it can be done without torture and with rehabilitation instead, then I'm all for that.
Q: Is it okay to erase these memes from society to those ideas we don't agree with?
My answer: This comes back to the first question about free-floating memes. I've not advocated erasing memes, but if it is a reference to 1984 then I can understand the false link. Memes should totally be up for debate and put on wikipedia for historical note. But, again, it's not about erasing memes - it is about the way in which those memes are enforced onto society. If they wouldn't have a chance to infect impartial Joe Bloggs, then such memes shouldn't be given a chance to susceptible minds whether that mind is too young to make it’s own judgement or pressured via fear/hatred or both.
Also to mention: decent memes don’t require the forceful nature of Islamic memes. Why? Because they work, because they makes sense. That’s why they are so successful. The minute a backdoor conduit of liberalism is given to “respect” backward and forceful Islamic memes; then you have problems like we face in Europe with increasing segregation while at the same time people defending the conduit which allows for it to take place.
Defending liberalism blindly to bad memes is pretty rampant. Even I’ve done it.