his first answer: our view on this is that returning Jerusalem to the Arab control is vital; it's not possible for us to accept any other solution.
the second answer: (The peace) that has been achieved so far is way less than what should have been achieved.
the third: Arabs have clearly shown their assured will for peace.
the fourth: The Palestinian state should be established on the Palestinian lands.
fifth: What the US should do is to efficiently take part in implementing the UN resolutions and give the Palestinian people his rights back.
sixth: we absolutely don't want to make an oil embargo against any side, I we wish that the circumstances wont force us again to do something that we dislike.
seventh: The American officials, on all levels, have told us that what the sayings of the international newspapers are against the official American policy and don't speak for it in anyway. We don't think that a sane government would get the world involved into a huge destruction ( or mess), and we don't think any single American official could think of that.
his last answer is long and full of bullshit, so excuse me, I am done.
by the way, your name sounds Hebrew, are you from there?