Since there is no proof of His existence, then we cannot seriously be expected to worship or respect Him... Quran is not even close to being a proof of anything.
My GOD is flawless, but HE did not create this suffering. HE is totally indifferent to our suffering on EARTH. DEIST philosophy is simple, that GOD is like a Master Engineer who created the Universe and set it in motion, but does not break his own laws to interfere on EARTH by causing MIRACLES or sending REVELATIONS.
This suffering is a natural cycle of the life and death. The most of it is created by human stupidity, greed, and selfishness. Some of it is created by natural effects of tectonics, gravity tides, water cycles, astronomical collisions etc. etc. We cannot blame GOD for any of this.
GOD is free of all blame, uncreated, unfathomable, formless, undetectable, unassailable and totally beyond our understanding. Think of it this way, how would entities in a super computer feel, if they never knew what created them. Such is our state in this universe.
YES, LIFE IS UNFAIR, and we nor GOD chooses where we are born or not. But think of Universe as a playground for the souls. Let us assume for a minute that we are in a cycle of perpetual reincarnation on this planet, or if you prefer, assume that we die and turn to dust. Either way we cannot prove either. But is it important?
Have you any evidence, let alone proof for such claims?