I am surprised you have the strength to leave the relationship so soon, not sure if I would have had the maturity to do the same at your age.
to be honest IsLame i am surprised i got myself into such a substandard situation in the first place, not proud of myself at all! but thanks for a compliment i guess

i think that internet and my uncle google helped a lot. but i was accused by him of passing judgement without seeing things with my own eyes. media sensationalize a lot of stuff and i'm sure it doesn't present a balance picture. still, quran and hadiths speak for themselves.
What religion does your mum follow?
my parents are catholics. they are fairly religious in a sense that they DO believe in god. they don't see anything wrong with confession and all the rituals that catholic church has. as much as they are convinced that 'church is good for ya' they also accept that there are other faiths in this world. they might not agree about what they have in their holly books but they take the stance that it's not for them to judge.
clarap, since you don't have a religion, you can never be compatible with a religious person, specially a Muslim. He has no problem sleeping with you in spite of the fact Islam forbids sex before marriage but he is protecting you from his friends. This is a recipe for disaster. This is the proof that Islam distorts people's minds, it makes them hypocrites.
we are in total agreement here Ram

i always thought that religion f**** with people's brains. i have no problem with people being spiritual, let them be. but reading any religious book should make you go: wtf? at least that's my opinion.
He is NOT following his religion when he has sex with a woman before marriage but he wants you to convert! Utter hypocrisy. As a matter of fact, that would be a good question to ask him: 1) why he is having sex before marriage if he cares so much for his religion? 2) Why is he asking you to convert when he is not following Islam faithfully?
ahhh hypocrisy. used that word more for the past year than during my entire life

i think that's what repression of sexuality leads to. basically you have a standard of not having sex, not masturbating, and lowering your gaze. it would be abnormal if he didn't have urges.
answers to your questions:
1) he is a mere human and he just can't help. of course sex is the biggest offense but he shouldn't be with me alone in the first place. you see i'm so lovely that he just couldn't help

2) because he is imperfect human being so of course he makes mistakes! didn't you know?

but the quran and islam IS perfect and that's why i should convert. so that i don't disrespect my creator and disgrace myself.
When you try to discuss with him about the issues in Islam he is finding faults with Christianity. It shows that he is NOT capable of answering your concerns, very Islamic mindset. This should tell you what kind of relationship you can expect if you were to marry him. You should count your lucky stars and go away as far as possible from him.
of course i know that now. i didn't know this 6 months ago.
but i think i have some self-preservation instinct cause when he first time mentioned convert cause otherwise we can't be together, i broke up with him. it wasn't long tho and we were back together :/ and here i am now