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 Topic: Enemies not Allies

 (Read 29989 times)
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  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #90 - January 31, 2011, 08:58 PM

    I have to disagree with you there. Using my wonderful powers of presumption and labelling, I could have confidently identified four EDL members/supporters, and a few others at least sympathetic to them. ThinkFree was sitting next to me and he may agree...

    Possibly there were. You're right. Argh ()*%$£"%$&^*(
  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #91 - January 31, 2011, 09:00 PM

    I have no idea who this guy is or what he's on about. Although, I did spot a Gay that night who I subsequently warned a small Pakistanian child not to speak to over my garden fence. Said child thanked Allah for His mercy and skipped off clutching what looked like a bomb belt fashioned out of sweets.

    dude ...
  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #92 - January 31, 2011, 09:10 PM

    I find myself agreeing with your interpretation of Murray's statements much more than I did with the statements themselves!

    lolllllllllllllllll dude he's not a Quran you know!  Tongue Grin  Smiley
    But I guess to understand him you'll need to read his book, and all the links below.
    You'll wake up with a new set of eyes. *GUARANTEED*  grin12
  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #93 - January 31, 2011, 10:16 PM

    dude ...

    Don't you remember the guy who spoke from the audience (I think before you?) who was waffling about how he met "a gay man" and had a "pakistan family" living next door who his children were allowed to speak to over the fence and shit? It was fucking hilarious.

    Oh, and I agree with Chris, we clocked a few EDL types in the audience.

    Each of us a failed state in stark relief against the backdrop of the perfect worlds we seek.
    Propagandhi - Failed States
  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #94 - January 31, 2011, 11:58 PM

    In October 2009 Douglas Murray wrote an article in which he stated that he wanted nothing to do with the EDL.

    Now, Douglas Murray recognises the complexity of such an organisation and the range of people who may support it.

    There is nothing wrong with this of course.  Everyones opinions are liable to change, especially when it concerns a relatively new organisation such as the EDL.

    btw I don't like the various headlines that are cropping up on the internet from pro/anti-Islam organisations.

    The EDL website is saying... "Douglas Murray in support of the EDL at One-Law-For-All Conference"

    Islamophobia-Watch are saying... "Douglas Murray welcomes the EDL as 'a grassroots response from non-Muslims to Islamism'"

    ^ Neither of those headlines are an accurate representation of what he was trying to say.

  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #95 - February 01, 2011, 09:51 PM

    Maryam is fed up with us ex-Muslims. We don't do enough activism (for many understandable reasons)

    I guess a lot of ex-Muslims just want to let their hair down and start enjoying their new life. I know when I first came out of the closet it was a complete non-event - the end of an organic, gradual process. I was distancing myself as far away as possible from Islam a while before that. It's only relatively recently that Islam has even come back on my radar at all. That, and Islam is just so fucking mind numbing and I'm sick of everything about it.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #96 - February 01, 2011, 11:05 PM

    Yes, I do remember you expressed the same views.

    Look, I have no problem engaging with 'individuals' who have concerns about immigration etc... But I will never engage with any 'organisation' that includes far-right Nazi supporters and racists or conducts themselves in the way EDL do.

    Any individuals from EDL who want to engage with us 'as individuals and not as EDL' they are welcome.

    But the EDL organistation itself - forget it.

    Once they truly purge the nazis and racists, get a grip and stop acting like thugs - then perhaps we can engage with EDL as an organisation.

    But as I say, until then, forget it!

    Fair enough.

    Personally, I would be willing to engage with the leaders and members of the EDL.  I would do so as an individual, NOT as someone representing any organisation.  I would make it clear that my views are my personal views.

    I would even be willing to help and advise the leaders of the EDL, and a part of my advice would include a plea for them to root out the bigots and racists who join their protests.

    However, I would definitely NOT like to join in their protests as they currently are now.  If I came across an EDL march then I would neither join the EDL side nor the UAF side.  I would either walk away, or stand in the "neutral" corner and observe.

    Some people will never change their views no matter how much you try to reason with them.  These people are bigots.  The EDL however are a mixed bunch and they're also relatively new.  Many of their concerns ARE legitimate and if people just shout them down like the UAF do and call them all sorts of horrible things then this could inflame them.

    If there’s one word I’d use to describe the EDL, that word would be “inevitable”.  People ARE fearful of Islam, and on top of that how do you expect the average Joe Bloggs to react when they hear idiots like Anjem Choudary say things like... “Muslims are multiplying at a rate of more than 8 times more than the kuffar.  In a couple of generations this will be a Muslim country inshallah”... (followed by a “TAKBIR!”).

    It’s all very complex, but anyway I thought Douglas was spot on.

  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #97 - February 01, 2011, 11:48 PM

    Fair enough.

    Personally, I would be willing to engage with the leaders and members of the EDL.  I would do so as an individual, NOT as someone representing any organisation.  I would make it clear that my views are my personal views.

    I would even be willing to help and advise the leaders of the EDL, and a part of my advice would include a plea for them to root out the bigots and racists who join their protests.

    However, I would definitely NOT like to join in their protests as they currently are now.  If I came across an EDL march then I would neither join the EDL side nor the UAF side.  I would either walk away, or stand in the "neutral" corner and observe.

    Some people will never change their views no matter how much you try to reason with them.  These people are bigots.  The EDL however are a mixed bunch and they're also relatively new.  Many of their concerns ARE legitimate and if people just shout them down like the UAF do and call them all sorts of horrible things then this could inflame them.

    If there’s one word I’d use to describe the EDL, that word would be “inevitable”.  People ARE fearful of Islam, and on top of that how do you expect the average Joe Bloggs to react when they hear idiots like Anjem Choudary say things like... “Muslims are multiplying at a rate of more than 8 times more than the kuffar.  In a couple of generations this will be a Muslim country inshallah”... (followed by a “TAKBIR!”).

    It’s all very complex, but anyway I thought Douglas was spot on.

    I agree with everything you said there, Shahid and if you ever do want to chat with individuals from EDL, I'd be happy to come with you.
  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #98 - March 18, 2011, 06:14 PM

    Far-right or not, he actively supports wars of aggression, imperialism, oppression and ethnic cleansing, as well as using the UK government to forcefully censor anyone who opposes these things.

    When the imperialist mission is concerned, all that matters is the objective outcome of who's recourses are traded & in what currency.

    Through Logic, truth can be ascertained.
  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #99 - March 18, 2011, 10:34 PM

    A fantastic thread. After a couple of weeks of lurking, it finally nudged me to sign up.

    It's amazingly refreshing to come across people who realise that you don't have to be a foaming nutjob to reject the taboos of the liberal left, or loathe the idiocy of politicised feudal Islam.

    Thank you. I've been feeling rather isolated for the past few years.
  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #100 - March 19, 2011, 10:07 AM

    Welcome to the forum David...  cool2

  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #101 - March 19, 2011, 12:49 PM

    He supports Isreal, I wish he goes to one of those settlements and tells them hes a gay,watch what wud happen. he speaks highy of Israel but ignores factors such as israels proposal to make rabbis immune to legal action over what they say, he never speaks about Jewish groups campaigning against jew and arab inter-racial(lol) marriages, he ignores the signs being put up by orthodox jews about women must be covered etc etc

    He sometimes has good views but he just like the rest. Gert wilders is the same, which god-less individual would say christians and jews shud unite against Islam, and which god-less one would go to israel and light candles wearing that cap.

    Its all political

    I think richard dawkins is the only sincere person
  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #102 - March 19, 2011, 01:08 PM

    He supports Isreal, I wish he goes to one of those settlements and tells them hes a gay,watch what wud happen.

  • Re: Enemies not Allies
     Reply #103 - March 19, 2011, 01:17 PM

    I think richard dawkins is the only sincere person

    There is no ism but Atheism, and Richard Dawkins is the messenger of Atheism.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
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