You're a couragrous lad. I am glad you found us, how did you bump into this site?
I found this site surfing the internet back in October. I don't remember how I got here exactly, but once I got here I kept coming back.
Sounds like you have done your research about Islam, what literature did you read? Also do you know any other exmuslims in Pakistan? When they think you are being stupid & call you the devil, list for them the worlds greatest thinkers who are atheists.
There just isn't one piece of literature that I can remember. The main thing seemed be thinking critically, questioning what can't be questioned. I read the Quran and found many things questionable, and I started asking questions. No one seemed to answer the questions I asked. I asked my father about 4:34, he had nothing to say about it, he thinks it's perfectly fine. Well, I can think of many horrible things that you can do to your wife that won't leave a mark...water boarding doesn't leave a mark
...I've read books like The God Delusion and such.
And don't you know that Einstein was a closet Muslim?
My advice is focus the negative anger you have towards Islam in a postive way. Try to make it better & easier for anybody else in your situtation to come out. Try to spread the word, but be careful about how you phrase things.
Yeah, it's not the best idea to attack Islam directly, most people just shut down and go into defence mode. It's just best to teach a man how to think and not what to think. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Join one of the many Pakistani atheist clubs, and I look forward to reading your name in the newspapers one day
I don't know of any Pakistani atheist clubs. And I hope my name isn't in the papers for the wrong reasons.
btw there are a few Pakistanis on this site too - you guys/girls need a bit more solidarity & should get together to form a group
CEMB Pakistani Mafia perhaps?