Hello Sofian, welcome to the forum
yeah absolutely. I mean Islam has a great tradition of critical thinking but for political reasons all this stopped shortly after Muhammad (SAW) died - and basically, it's been stuck in a medieval mindset since then.
Are you sure you're not just romanticising Islam in order to make it palatable to you with your understanding of modern ideas about science, secularism, rationalism, egalitarianism, gender equality etc?
I say this because people who were critical thinkers in the past who happened to be Muslim and lived in nominally Islamic domains were who they were and thought as they did not because of Islam, but because they were simply intelligent, critically minded men.
I understand the desire to reconcile your identity and sense of affiliation with Islam, with the reality of Islam as a closed system of belief rooted in intolerance and supremacism and imperialistic notions.
But you, Sofian86, do not believe in the things you believe in - gender equality, democracy etc - BECAUSE of Islam. You believe in them because you are YOU. So it was with free thinkers from the Islamic world in the past.