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 Topic: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'

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  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #450 - February 02, 2011, 06:53 PM

    Some tweets:

    State TV is spreading misinformation about protesters throwing fireballs in Tahrir Square. (Mubarak gangs are doing this)

    it's not divided egyptians .. the regime is attacking protesters

    These are attacks by Mubarak thugs.

    Police have set up checkpoints and are arresting protesters leaving

    نداء عاجل: نحتاج سيارات خاصة لنقل المصابين تتوجه إلى المستشفى الميداني في المسجد بالقرب من شارع باب اللوق (Urgent plea we need private cars to transport wounded - head to the field hospital in the mosque next to Bab El Louk Street)

    Urgent need for medical supplies to Mohamed Mahmoud Street in Bab El Louk near Tahrir call...

     إلى من يهمه الأمر , يوجد لدينا طفل مفقود عمره سنتين ذى عينين خضراوتين, يقول اسمه محمود (To whomever we have a lost child two years old green eyes he says his name is Mahmoud)

  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #451 - February 02, 2011, 07:12 PM

    مذيعة النيل للاخبار - سها النقاش - تستقيل بسبب تزوير الاخبار (Egyptian TV reporter, resigns over pro-Mubarak fraudulent news coverage)
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #452 - February 02, 2011, 07:33 PM

    One report says some close to Mubarak advised him to order loyalists to attack protesters.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #453 - February 02, 2011, 07:42 PM

    The differences between Tuesday's demonstration against Mubarak and today's violence were striking. Yesterday, army and activists staffed checkpoints to prevent violence; today, Egyptian soldiers made no effort to prevent confrontation.

    At one stage, they moved out of the way to allow pro-Mubarak demonstrators to reach their opponents.

    Among those attacking the square were groups of armed men who appeared to be plainclothes police officers. Credible reports spoke of some of those involved in the assault in Tahrir Square having been paid by the regime.

    On one boulevard leading from the square, a group of men had been deployed with weapons in their hands, clearly under orders.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #454 - February 02, 2011, 08:18 PM

    The differences between Tuesday's demonstration against Mubarak and today's violence were striking. Yesterday, army and activists staffed checkpoints to prevent violence; today, Egyptian soldiers made no effort to prevent confrontation.

    the army realise that the very civilians they end up fighting will be the ones paying their wages soon enough

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  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #455 - February 02, 2011, 08:38 PM

  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #456 - February 02, 2011, 08:47 PM

    مذيعة النيل للاخبار - سها النقاش - تستقيل بسبب تزوير الاخبار (Egyptian TV reporter, resigns over pro-Mubarak fraudulent news coverage)

    سها النقاش  Saha el Naqash
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #457 - February 02, 2011, 09:36 PM

    I'm very worried about friends and family in Egypt - and also members here like Prosaic.

    Mubarak is trying to create violence and anarchy in an underhand way so he can make the people choose between Security and Freedom.

    Of course most Egyptians don't want gangs running the streets, the economy ruined and their houses burnt to the ground.

    I want to see the people push on and not be battered down by these tactics - but at the same time I want them to be safe and secure.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #458 - February 02, 2011, 09:39 PM

    For anyone not already aware of it, here's a link to Aljazeera English's live coverage:

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #459 - February 02, 2011, 09:44 PM

    Mubarak's thugs bussed in and Army let them in.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #460 - February 02, 2011, 09:47 PM

    Many say Mubarak is planning a crackdown - using the pretext he has created - and it looks as if this will end in much more blood!  Cry
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #461 - February 02, 2011, 09:58 PM

    If Mubarak loved his country and his people he would have announced his resignation yesterday. But like all dictators he cares only for himself not for Egypt -  and has chosen to burn Rome.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #462 - February 02, 2011, 10:14 PM

    Mubarak's plan was to re-take Tahrir Square - he failed.

    Sending released prisoners, paid thugs and plain clothed policeman has only made him look like a desperate and murderous criminal gang-leader.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #463 - February 02, 2011, 10:17 PM

    Why are the Army just standing by and letting them get away with it Hassan?  Huh?

    "The greatest general is not the one who can take the most cities or spill the most blood. The greatest general is the one who can take Heaven and Earth without waging the battle." ~ Sun Tzu

  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #464 - February 02, 2011, 10:27 PM

    Why are the Army just standing by and letting them get away with it Hassan?  Huh?

    The Army generals have yet to show their hand. Traditionally they are supposed to be protectors of the people - there to fight the enemies of the people - not turn their guns on them. However, saying that they are also closely associated with the Regime ever since Nasser - part of a coup of army officers. Sadat (the next president) was also one of those army officers. Mubarak was commander of the Air force. So the Army and the Regime have always been closely associated. But as I say they have never been used on the people itself.

    But who knows what will happen now and what the generals will decide. Will they see standing by Mubarak as the best chance for stability? Or will they throw their lot in with the people? Or will they stage a coup and install a military regime?

    Of course the foot soldiers are from the people of Egypt - but they will be as unsure what do do as their generals. What the army decides to do may hold the key.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #465 - February 02, 2011, 10:29 PM

    Very true. Many Shias believe in the principle of Wilayat Al-Faqih or Guardianship of the Jurist. Many believe in "Absolute" Guardianship of the jurist which extends not only to religious matter but also to economic, military, and governing matters. More importantly, religious Shias tend to hold jurists in very high regard since most of them are Sayyids. Many people go to them when settling disputes and stuff.

    Thanks for that, IA - this is what I thought.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #466 - February 02, 2011, 10:32 PM

    Three protesters killed today in Tahrir, says the health ministry.

    More than 1500 protesters have been injured so far in Tahrir, says @shorouk_news.

    An army officer weeps after protesters were attacked by Mubarak's thugs today in Tahrir

  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #467 - February 02, 2011, 10:51 PM

    The Problem of the Baltagayyah

    The most recent story in this lamentable chain of media reports is that of “protestors” in Alexandria turning on one another — internecine violence tainting otherwise peaceful, festive demonstrations of the Egyptian people. This story is, of course, patently untrue. To see the enormity of this falsehood and the many others like it (e.g. “protests turn to looting”) one truly has to understand the reach and extent of the Egyptian security services, particularly the notorious Baltagayyah. Loosely translated to “thugs”, Blatagayyah are more than just your run of the mill voyous. The word has a special relevance for just about everyone in Egypt: that of the paid paramilitaries of the Egyptian state. There are a lot of these fuckers, and they are the prime agents provocateurs of the Egyptian state. Conspiratorial stories of security services actually perpetrating looting, attacking peaceful protestors, or destroying property, too often turn out to be true. Many have been apprehended by ordinary citizens who have discovered state security IDs on them (they appear to have been ordered to carry such IDs in case they are stopped by the army).

    Let’s get this straight, this is not the worry about a few bad seeds on the murky fringes of the para-state. The Mubarak regime has maintained a concerted policy of introducing plainclothes thugs into protest situations, sometimes armed with weapons, but always with the impunity to violently quash even the slightest dissent (and the presence of these baltagayyah is inevitably in addition to the obscene amount of uniformed security officers the government will usually deploy to any demonstration, no matter how small). It’s not always certain whether these thugs are full time employees of the regime or simply bored individuals with a penchant for violence and a hankering for a few extra bucks and a chicken sandwich in exchange for a day’s work of beating the hell out of some demonstrators. What is certain is that rarely does any political protest or demonstration go down in Cairo without a healthy dose of baltagayyah violence.

    As far as the current protests in Egypt are concerned, we’ve seen them setting fire to cars, destroying small businesses, terrorizing protestors and ordinary citizens alike and looting neighborhoods. All this while disguised as “ordinary Egyptians.” This has been enough to confuse and distort much of the international reporting of protest events. What must be understood is that the baltagayyah are sowing fear and violence to deliberately frighten and terrorize ordinary people. They work by making Egyptians and the outside world question who is perpetrating this violence, but this gruesome charade must be known and publicized because the only result of such fear and doubt is further violence against demonstrators.

  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #468 - February 02, 2011, 11:56 PM

    The Problem of the Baltagayyah

    The most recent story in this lamentable chain of media reports is that of “protestors” in Alexandria turning on one another — internecine violence tainting otherwise peaceful, festive demonstrations of the Egyptian people. This story is, of course, patently untrue. To see the enormity of this falsehood and the many others like it (e.g. “protests turn to looting”) one truly has to understand the reach and extent of the Egyptian security services, particularly the notorious Baltagayyah. Loosely translated to “thugs”, Blatagayyah are more than just your run of the mill voyous. The word has a special relevance for just about everyone in Egypt: that of the paid paramilitaries of the Egyptian state. There are a lot of these fuckers, and they are the prime agents provocateurs of the Egyptian state. Conspiratorial stories of security services actually perpetrating looting, attacking peaceful protestors, or destroying property, too often turn out to be true. Many have been apprehended by ordinary citizens who have discovered state security IDs on them (they appear to have been ordered to carry such IDs in case they are stopped by the army).

    Let’s get this straight, this is not the worry about a few bad seeds on the murky fringes of the para-state. The Mubarak regime has maintained a concerted policy of introducing plainclothes thugs into protest situations, sometimes armed with weapons, but always with the impunity to violently quash even the slightest dissent (and the presence of these baltagayyah is inevitably in addition to the obscene amount of uniformed security officers the government will usually deploy to any demonstration, no matter how small). It’s not always certain whether these thugs are full time employees of the regime or simply bored individuals with a penchant for violence and a hankering for a few extra bucks and a chicken sandwich in exchange for a day’s work of beating the hell out of some demonstrators. What is certain is that rarely does any political protest or demonstration go down in Cairo without a healthy dose of baltagayyah violence.

    As far as the current protests in Egypt are concerned, we’ve seen them setting fire to cars, destroying small businesses, terrorizing protestors and ordinary citizens alike and looting neighborhoods. All this while disguised as “ordinary Egyptians.” This has been enough to confuse and distort much of the international reporting of protest events. What must be understood is that the baltagayyah are sowing fear and violence to deliberately frighten and terrorize ordinary people. They work by making Egyptians and the outside world question who is perpetrating this violence, but this gruesome charade must be known and publicized because the only result of such fear and doubt is further violence against demonstrators.

    This is absolutely spot on!
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #469 - February 03, 2011, 01:34 AM

    what will happen when the people get what they want? Everyone is focusing on the now, but what about after? How will stability be ensured, i  wonder, and will the Egyptian people get it together to really get what they seek?

    Revolutions like this (perhaps not quite like this) have happened before. Take France for example, but the transition state is always so crucial and usually where shit happens.

    Also, what's interesting, is that if one correlates Mubarak's thugs to Iran's demonstration of supposed "supporters" there is quite a difference. Clearly, there is not much support outside of those key people payed to care, for Mubarak and that's why you dont see any demonstrations of support, but instead there is effort taken to show apparent disharmony within the protestors to balance this.

    Both are intended to have a similar effect.

    "If intelligence is feminine... I would want that mine would, in a resolute movement, come to resemble an impious woman."
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #470 - February 03, 2011, 02:56 AM

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #471 - February 03, 2011, 03:06 AM

    what will happen when the people get what they want? Everyone is focusing on the now, but what about after? How will stability be ensured, i  wonder, and will the Egyptian people get it together to really get what they seek?

    Revolutions like this (perhaps not quite like this) have happened before. Take France for example, but the transition state is always so crucial and usually where shit happens.

    Also, what's interesting, is that if one correlates Mubarak's thugs to Iran's demonstration of supposed "supporters" there is quite a difference. Clearly, there is not much support outside of those key people payed to care, for Mubarak and that's why you dont see any demonstrations of support, but instead there is effort taken to show apparent disharmony within the protestors to balance this.

    Both are intended to have a similar effect.

    Well it usually goes that even conflicting groups put aside animosities for a revolution.  After the revolution is when the splintering begins and it is completely predictable for people to lament the "golden times" when everyone is united.  Just a few weeks ago Coptic Christians were being targeted and harassed, now they are fighting and protecting Muslims.  There is good to say of it though, it will shift the political spectrum towards the common goal even if it doesn't achieve it. 

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #472 - February 03, 2011, 08:59 AM

    there should be a protest solely by women to frighten the crap out of the mullahs, and drag them into the 13th century! I am saddened that there are so few unrepressed women on the streets apparently.
    hope that decency and common sense prevail-dictators and islam enslave the middle east-=that's why they are so desperately jealous of Israel,with its dynamic economy superb technology,freedoms for all citizens and a health service second to none-why is this? Because religionists are told to go F*** themselves-they have all caused misery and contribute nothing but hell on earth- a bunch of pencil dick women haters,all of 'em.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #473 - February 03, 2011, 01:58 PM

    The New INSTALLED  Prime Minister  speaks on TV

    Egypt's PM apologizes for attacks on anti-government protesters

    Update at 8:35 a.m. ET: Egypt's prime minister apologized repeatedly on public television today for armed attacks on anti-government protesters by armed groups bent on violence.

    Clashes are persisting in Tahrir Square this afternoon, despite attempts by the military to separate pro and anti-government demonstrators, USA TODAY's Theodore May reports from Cairo.

    At least five people were killed an hundreds injured as pro-government forces pushed into the square on Wednesday and early today, provoking clashes with the protesters who have been demanding for a week the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.

    The military's sporadic intervention comes as Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq said he has ordered an investigation into the clashes on Wednesday and said "any person or body responsible for them will be held accountable."

    Shafiq said it was not clear whether the attacks were planned and organized, but that it was clear that the pro-Mubarak groups came to the square "with the intention to create violence."

    He said if the attacks were not planned, the prime minister asked, "who guided them to the area?"

    yes.. who guided them?? But you are the Prime Minister  sir.., it is for you to find out...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #474 - February 03, 2011, 02:36 PM

    Mubarak should do the honorable thing and step down. Things are starting to get off course which could lead to Civil war.

    I don't wan't Cairo turning into a 21st century Beirut.

    Through Logic, truth can be ascertained.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #475 - February 03, 2011, 03:39 PM

    yesterday an interview with choudary.. ugh!!!

    side note.. i'm sick and tired of people saying sharia does not promote stoning and exectuion.. really.. then effin STOP IT!.. nuff said!
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #476 - February 03, 2011, 03:57 PM

    ... choudary.. ugh!!!

    side note.. i'm sick and tired of people saying sharia..

    I am NOT sick and tired of people saying sharia....

    But I am sick and tired of That IDIOT and I am sick and tired of British TV giving that idiot the air time..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #477 - February 03, 2011, 04:00 PM

    yes that too! Afro
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #478 - February 03, 2011, 04:06 PM

    I am NOT sick and tired of people saying sharia....

    But I am sick and tired of That IDIOT and I am sick and tired of British TV giving that idiot the air time..

    that was american tv

    yesterday an interview with choudary.. ugh!!!

    side note.. i'm sick and tired of people saying sharia does not promote stoning and exectuion.. really.. then effin STOP IT!.. nuff said!

    aarrggghh - I can see this video being passed around like a parcel on forums, this idiot Anjem really isnt helping Muslims at all.

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  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #479 - February 03, 2011, 04:08 PM

    that was american tv
    aarrggghh - ..... Anjem really isnt helping Muslims at all.

    That guy is an agent of Raw paid by hindus of India ., I say good Pious Muslims SHOULD BEAT HIM UP...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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