For the record I am not trying to justify KLA crimes on the ground of apartheid regime
To remind you of your initial post on this thread:
Are you aware of the fact that Kosovan Albanians had to endure apartheid like regime since the late '80 and that they were systematically abused from the late '70?I could think of no other reason for you to post this but to present KLA separatist terror as a morally justifiable RESPONSE to Albanian "oppression" by Serbs. So let's get this straight: You DON'T in fact view the KLA's murderous activities in this way. Correct?
I am simply trying to show that the situation was a complex one.
I agree that the situation was complex and this complexity was not reflected in the "Evil ethnic cleansing fascist Serbs"/"Poor innocent ethnically cleansed multiculturalism-loving Muslims and their babies" narrative fed to western audiences by their news media. Do you agree with myself and MAB that the Serb people were unjustly demonized by the western media during the Balkans conflicts?
Unless the reader is completely biased that is. You do realize that two wrongs do not make a right I hope.
Do you think the Serbs should have just laid back in Bosnia and Kosovo and allowed themselves to be crushed underfoot?
In my first response to you I tried avoiding quoting form Wiki because of the fact that its an open encyclopaedia therefore open to abuse and biased viewpoints - especially when it comes to politics.
Do you doubt the veracity of the quote from wikipedia I posted above - which implies it was the Kosovo Serbs and not the "Albanians" who were the victims of an "apartheid" system? ie:
The reassertion of Albanian nationalism, DISCRIMINATION AGAINST SERBS by the province's predominately Albanian police force and local government, and a worsening economy led to a large number (around 100,000 between 1961-1987of Serbs and Montenegrins leaving the area by the late-1980s.Furthermore the video in German language I posted deals with the issues extensively and other sources I posted at least mention the fact that there was an apartheid like regime in Kosovo from the late '80 until 1999.
A statement that "there was a [Serb inflicted] apartheid like regime" in Kosovo does not amount to evidence.
If you really want to know what was going on in Kosovo from the late '70 until 1999 there are ample ways of finding out.
In a nutshell what would you say WAS "going on in Kosovo from the late '70 until 1999"?