A gripping doc. Where have I seen that darky before? He looks like a man with whom I had a romantic entanglement. Well not quite, it was purely physical. The way he wrapped his lips around my wrinkled twelve inch member was mind blowing. I think it displays the conflicting drives of the EDL, its aspiration to be an inclusionary mass movement that defies the taunts of the soi-distant anti-fascists colliding with the reality of its preponderantly white membership, some of whom you wouldn't have at your dinner table.
For real. Surely that token Asian mascot is conclusive proof of EDL tolerance. I mean, they have coloureds join them on their marches. No greater display of unity and tolerance has ever met my romantic eyes. It warms my heart. And he’s such a sweet little thing with such a kind face, and so down to earth too. I definitely want to have a drink with that guy.
Well, well, well, what do we have here…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB-QJUVQD9UOur friend Abdul showing his
true colour as no less than a sectarian loyalist himself, singing death mantra to those filthy Taigs. “You stick your right hand out and you punch a Taig about, you kneecap the bastard when you get him down, that’s what it’s all about!” Altogether now… “Ohhh, bruise the bastards body! Ohhh, bruise the bastards body!”
Is this the real reason our friend Abdul is the darling of the EDL?
More importantly, why didn’t the BBC show that footage on their fair and balanced documentary? Could it be that the EDL are two faced double-dealing sacks of shit and it takes phonecam leaks and amateur investigation to paint a more revealing picture of them?
Now look at this striking image:

Voila! In view, humble vaudevillian veterans, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. This valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
Masked vigilante heroes burning the Nazi flag, and burning their intentions onto my retina. This shows they mean business, and that business is stamping out Fascist scum. A dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it. A cause so close to all of our hearts, all honourable men and women, common and noble alike, who heed the lessons of history. Dark knights, fighting the good fight, so that we may sleep safe and sound in bed at night. Who wouldn't cheer the burning of a swastika? Of all the flags to burn, they chose the correct one.
But wait… what is this? I spy with my little eye, something beginning with… S

Oh look, there is EDL leader Stephen Yaxley-Lennon and friends - violent race-hate criminal, Holocaust denier and senior BNP and National Front official Richard Edmonds, and John Pater - formerly of an openly Nazi group called the November 9th Society. No mask this time.
Fun Facts:Richard Edmonds published an extreme right-wing magazine called Holocaust News, which pretended Hitler never gassed Jews, gypsies, gays and disabled people in concentration camps, and is the person who famously admitted on TV that the BNP are "100% Racist".
The Nov 9th Society is also known (ironically) as the British First Party, but takes the Nov 9th name from the date of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch at Feldherrnhalle, where 16 Nazi’s died.
Despite what the EDL say about how immigrants should respect British laws, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon has been investigated for money laundering and was jailed for attacking a police officer who tried to stop Yaxley-Lennon beating up his own girlfriend.
Stephen Yaxley-Lennon told the EDL's disastrous Amsterdam rally that the EDL are "not hooligans", despite his own nickname being stolen from a notorious Luton Town football hooligan called Tommy Robinson.
I bet this Stephen “Tommy Robinson” Yaxley-Lennon fellow has a few skeletons in his closet…
The BNP past of the EDL leaderEDL leader scurries into the shadowsThe Extremist Defence LeagueHooligans UnmaskedBusinessman bankrolls ‘street army’But one… or two… or a few dozen bad apples does not a bad barrel make. Let’s hear from the regulars in the EDL:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIr3HV-TuOsTell me honestly, if you had not already read their mission statement, what would you make of them? What would you say their agenda was?