Here's how I intend to introduce myself and the debate:
Asalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters in humanity,
This is luftazure, a questioning deist, confused muslim and truth-seeker.
That means I believe in God, have a lot of questions that need answering, and I will go to then ends of the Earth to learn the truth behind our existence and the reason we are all here.
I have always been a devout male Muslim, fasting and praying from a young age.
I have never been married.
When I was 19 I turned from Sunni to Quranic due to several reasons, all which can be found here:
www.quranic.orgWhen I was 23 I turned from Quranic to Deist. That is because... I... believed that the Quran is the ultimate truth and the perfect book mainly because of its scientific miracles especially numerical ones. These can be found here: I learned that they were all fraud when I came across a search engine in Arabic and found them all to be LIES.
Not only that but I found more and more scientific miracles debunked by a youtuber. His channel can be found here: have decided to enter into debates to discover the ultimate truth as I wish to be a true non-doubting Muslim.
And as Al Imam Al Ghazaly said: Doubt Always Precedes Faith.
So please forgive my doubts and treat me as you would like to be treated especially that I still have faith.
Thank You and God Bless