Maybe your just sentimental
Tell 'em brother! I hate these emos. Always nagging about suffering and pain and moral issues. Gimme a break. The truth is that God gave man the biggest d!ck in the world so he can urinate on the rest and make himself big and strong!
A pregnant women stitched your cloths in a factory working 24hour shifts with little pay.
The car you drive is destroying our atmosphere every day.
The country that you live so comfortably in was built on blood and rape and pillaging and slavery.
I like the way your mind works. We all know that in order to speak out against one evil we must first have conquered all other evils. In fact, since we can't conquer any evil without exposing ourselves to the charge of not addressing others men should never lift a finger against anything. Hypocrites!
In order to FEEL PAIN you must have the concept of pain.The concept of pain comes about from consistent rules governing it . These rules stem from our LANGUAGE game
I wish I possessed your vast powers of scientific knowledge. In my country we have this silly idea that the capacity for pain is contingent on having a nervous system. But I like your idea better: Pain is determined by language. So deaf people cannot experience any suffering. Excellent.
An animal only has rudimentary signals and even that is just monkeys etc. An animal does not no pain so therefore cannot experience it. Killing it would just be another event. I cant STAND people Anthropomorphising animals . FUCKING pisses me of
Big word. Knocked me right back. Anthro-what? Impressive. I know what you mean. Animals may have a complex central nervous system, they may yelp and recoil from sharp objects, they may stagger and collapse when struck by a painful object. But that is just soooooo lame an argument. I'm with you. To hell with science. It's a godless plot to lead men stray from the siratul mustaqeem.