Also, I'd hope that great homeopaths would have enough integrity to boil the stupid water. producing “remedies” for diseases, homeopaths use a process called dynamisation or potentisation whereby a substance is diluted with alcohol or distilled water and then vigorously shaken by ten hard strikes against an elastic body in a process called succussion. Hahnemann advocated using substances which produce symptoms like those of the disease being treated, but found that material doses intensified the symptoms and exacerbated the condition, sometimes causing dangerous toxic reactions. He therefore specified that the substances be diluted. Hahnemann believed that the succussion activated the vital energy of the diluted substance[54] and made it stronger. To facilitate succussion, Hahnemann had a saddle-maker construct a special wooden striking board covered in leather on one side and stuffed with horsehair.[55][56] Insoluble solids, such as quartz and oyster shell, are diluted by grinding them with lactose (trituration).
So no boiling, all they do is mix the 'substance which produces symptoms of the disease' into water and vigorously shake it, as described above.
You're missing couple of points (as usual). First, since one knows that hp is magic water, it does not preclude them (unless they're stupid) from taking REAL medicine at the same time.
It does in many cases, see the links GRB posted.
Sometimes a cold is too mild to take real medicine, which btw always has side effects. Did you know that? Thus sometimes it is smart to take hp or natural, unproven remedies instead of real medicine. Of course, not when one is very sick. Do you follow?
I drink hot tea when I have a cold sometimes, and that fixes it. However simply drinking water (i.e homeopathic medicines) wouldn't have any positive effect. I know that because I know how homepathic medicines are manufactured. If I knew that and still 'believed' that those medicines had some healing properties, I'd be an idiot.
Also, just because shaking magic molecules
Not magic molecules, the molecules of the substance which produces the disease.
does not produce anything of value in my mind, doesn't prove that a pill, made with such quackery, can not in any way help. The placebo effect proves that "magic" can be beneficial. Do you follow?
Placebo is only alleged to work if the patient thinks that its real medicine. It wouldn't work for you because you claim to find homeopathy laughable.
The point is - WHY NOT, assuming a couple of dollars spent on it won't ruin you financially after the sniffles are gone.
Go ahead and do it, but it just shows that you don't actually think homeopathy is laughable, you have some faith in it. Also, you're knowingly taking diluted doses of a subtance that actually produces disease symptoms. So, enjoy.