Hi all
I am an ex christian but an equal opportunity a(nti)theist
Been debating some muslims on another forum wrt the "religion of peace" and am constantly being told I am talking what I read on the news etc. far too literally and that these perpetrators of public mutilations and floggings are just bad people that have misinterpreted the quran.
I came across this site yesterday and been reading some and interesting that the sentiments pretty much parallel those of ex-christians.
I really do not have the time nor the inclination to study islam simply to debate another fundie sect so here is perhaps where I would hope to get insider info so to speak.
I am from SA and have many dealings with moderate muslims and my ex doctor was muslim that delivered both my children. I am male BTW. He is retired now but one hell of a nice fellow.
I am not known for holding my punches so if this in anyway offends, please accept my apologies.