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 Topic: Feeding a muslim baby

 (Read 3848 times)
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  • Feeding a muslim baby
     OP - April 06, 2011, 11:40 AM

    Ok so I've been looking after my grandson who is a "muslim" baby.  (My daughter married a muslim and converted to Islam herself)

    He is 1 year old next week and is now eating "our" foods and I sometimes feed him when he's in my care.   I admit I haven't given much thought to the food I've been giving him, I just tend to give him the same as what we are having really.  wacko

    Anyway, yesterday I fed him his lunch and also gave him a sausage roll pastry which he relished, really he relished it with gusto, it was gone in no time, then I just gave him a flavoured yogurt for dessert.  My daughter came to collect him while he was finishing his yogurt, she checked the label and went crazy when she saw there was gelatine in it.  She did likewise when she realised I had given him pork.  Roll Eyes

    I can't believe her reaction as she hasn't really bothered much about what she eats herself, including pork at times, yet she seems to expect that I should abide by strict muslim rules on what is or isn't allowed re feeding her child. I argued that I am not going to check whether every food that I offer him is halal or whatever just because of some stupid religion. I know I can insist she brings her own food for him when she leaves him in my care if that is how she feels but I just think it's so wrong to restrict an innocent child's diet because of crazy notions like this and by a hypocrite mother.  finmad

    What do others think about this?  I want to start as I mean to go on as no doubt I will be having a lot to do with this child as he grows up.  Huh?

    "The greatest general is not the one who can take the most cities or spill the most blood. The greatest general is the one who can take Heaven and Earth without waging the battle." ~ Sun Tzu

  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #1 - April 06, 2011, 11:45 AM

    Ok so I've been looking after "muslim" baby.   He is 1 year old next week and is now eating "our" foods   wacko
    Anyway, yesterday I fed him his lunch and also gave him a sausage roll pastry which he relished, really he relished it with gusto,  

    You infidels are such a filthy people,   you  not only infidels now you making baby infidels ..

     hey Allah help me out here ..please help me...  Dammit talk to me....


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #2 - April 06, 2011, 11:51 AM

    LOL yeezevee.  Cheesy

    "The greatest general is not the one who can take the most cities or spill the most blood. The greatest general is the one who can take Heaven and Earth without waging the battle." ~ Sun Tzu

  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #3 - April 06, 2011, 11:52 AM

    I can't believe her reaction as she hasn't really bothered much about what she eats herself, including pork at times, yet she seems to expect that I should abide by strict muslim rules on what is or isn't allowed re feeding her child.

    Same as my sister, she smokes, eats pork, doesn't cover up, and she beats her husband.  But she would go insane if her kids ever ate pork.  Hypocrtical non practising muslims make terrible parents in the confusion they cause to their kids lol.

    Still though, I would try not to give him pork, it is her child and her choice for now.  I would just provide halal food for him, I have done before for my sister's kids and it didn't bother me.  Ultimately her kids will grow up and start eating pork anyway because she does.  They will just hide it from her and then I can help them.  Grin

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #4 - April 06, 2011, 11:54 AM

    Hide the evidence next time lol , and its not like her baby is going to hell anyway

    "its fashionable to be an ex Muslim these days"
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #5 - April 06, 2011, 12:00 PM

    she beats her husband. But she would go insane if her kids ever ate pork.  ..

    lucky guy..

    They will just hide it from her and then I can help them.  Grin

    Now I know why Allah wanted to  cover  all women with BURKHA.  Allah wanted to hide all children and grown Muslims from women like you, so that you can not brain wash them.  smart allah..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #6 - April 06, 2011, 02:49 PM

      Hypocrtical non practising muslims make terrible parents in the confusion they cause to their kids lol.

    They are the greatest 'protectors' of their religion but in the long run they cause immeasurable harm to its credibility.There are quite a few people who have not been spell bound by this so called only 'true religion' on earth!
    But what is amazing is that some stupid white girls are loath to follow home grown rules but  are willing to follow some crazy dictats of an alien religion!

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
                                   Thomas Paine

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #7 - April 06, 2011, 04:29 PM

    Hiding evidence won't help because when the child grow, he will ask for same stuff in front of parents, and you would look bad.. You want to stay part of their lives.. So I wouldn't recomend not to be cautious until the child turn 18.

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #8 - April 06, 2011, 09:03 PM

    I think you should respect your daughters wishes.  I realise there's no harm in what you are doing but you might make her even more adamant & dig her heels in. Discuss her life choices by all means, but dont override them.

    Its ultimately her child & I think you should respect that particularly as it wont do the child much harm avoiding pork & additives which arent a healthy option anyway.

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #9 - April 06, 2011, 09:08 PM

    Ok so I've been looking after my grandson who is a "muslim" baby.  (My daughter married a muslim and converted to Islam herself)

    He is 1 year old next week and is now eating "our" foods and I sometimes feed him when he's in my care.   I admit I haven't given much thought to the food I've been giving him, I just tend to give him the same as what we are having really.  wacko

    Anyway, yesterday I fed him his lunch and also gave him a sausage roll pastry which he relished, really he relished it with gusto, it was gone in no time, then I just gave him a flavoured yogurt for dessert.  My daughter came to collect him while he was finishing his yogurt, she checked the label and went crazy when she saw there was gelatine in it.  She did likewise when she realised I had given him pork.  Roll Eyes

    I can't believe her reaction as she hasn't really bothered much about what she eats herself, including pork at times, yet she seems to expect that I should abide by strict muslim rules on what is or isn't allowed re feeding her child. I argued that I am not going to check whether every food that I offer him is halal or whatever just because of some stupid religion. I know I can insist she brings her own food for him when she leaves him in my care if that is how she feels but I just think it's so wrong to restrict an innocent child's diet because of crazy notions like this and by a hypocrite mother.  finmad

    What do others think about this?  I want to start as I mean to go on as no doubt I will be having a lot to do with this child as he grows up.  Huh?

    Tell her if she doesn't like the food you offer to the baby, then she can prepare him some meals and leave some snacks while he is in your care.
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #10 - April 06, 2011, 09:11 PM

    Ok so I've been looking after my grandson who is a "muslim" baby.  (My daughter married a muslim and converted to Islam herself)

    He is 1 year old next week and is now eating "our" foods and I sometimes feed him when he's in my care.   I admit I haven't given much thought to the food I've been giving him, I just tend to give him the same as what we are having really.  wacko

    Anyway, yesterday I fed him his lunch and also gave him a sausage roll pastry which he relished, really he relished it with gusto, it was gone in no time, then I just gave him a flavoured yogurt for dessert.  My daughter came to collect him while he was finishing his yogurt, she checked the label and went crazy when she saw there was gelatine in it.  She did likewise when she realised I had given him pork.  Roll Eyes

    I can't believe her reaction as she hasn't really bothered much about what she eats herself, including pork at times, yet she seems to expect that I should abide by strict muslim rules on what is or isn't allowed re feeding her child. I argued that I am not going to check whether every food that I offer him is halal or whatever just because of some stupid religion. I know I can insist she brings her own food for him when she leaves him in my care if that is how she feels but I just think it's so wrong to restrict an innocent child's diet because of crazy notions like this and by a hypocrite mother.  finmad

    What do others think about this?  I want to start as I mean to go on as no doubt I will be having a lot to do with this child as he grows up.  Huh?

    You did nothing wrong Maya and sorry to hear your daughter got mad at you for no real reason at all.
    The other day I gave cakes to a coworker/relative/friend who is a Muslim and he rejected it after it contained Cochineal food colouring.

    False-fear and false-sacredness taking away the freedom of what a Muslim can and cannot eat in reality.
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #11 - April 06, 2011, 09:28 PM

    I think you should respect your daughters wishes.


    It may be stupid to us, but it obviously isn't for your daughter.
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #12 - April 06, 2011, 09:41 PM

    Thanks for all the replies folks.  Afro

    Same as my sister, she smokes, eats pork, doesn't cover up, and she beats her husband.  But she would go insane if her kids ever ate pork.  Hypocrtical non practising muslims make terrible parents in the confusion they cause to their kids lol.

    Still though, I would try not to give him pork, it is her child and her choice for now.  I would just provide halal food for him, I have done before for my sister's kids and it didn't bother me.  Ultimately her kids will grow up and start eating pork anyway because she does.  They will just hide it from her and then I can help them.  Grin

    Providing halal food is easy when we were in Tunisia or Egypt as the food is halal anyway, but not sure I have the time or the inclination to go hunting it down over here though Berbs.  I won't offer him pork meat again now but as for checking food labels for gelatine etc., well.......   wacko

    They are the greatest 'protectors' of their religion but in the long run they cause immeasurable harm to its credibility.There are quite a few people who have not been spell bound by this so called only 'true religion' on earth!
    But what is amazing is that some stupid white girls are loath to follow home grown rules but  are willing to follow some crazy dictats of an alien religion!

    I think all this stems from an incident last week - she was on webcam talking to her hubby who is still in Tunisia - she panned the room to show him his son who was sitting in his highchair eating. He took the opportunity to question what she was feeding him and said he doesn't want him eating shit.  I honestly believe that up until this point she hadn't given a thought to his diet either.  Is this "stupid white girl" doing this of her own volition or because her hubby told her to?   Huh?

    Hiding evidence won't help because when the child grow, he will ask for same stuff in front of parents, and you would look bad.. You want to stay part of their lives.. So I wouldn't recomend not to be cautious until the child turn 18.

    It's sad that it should have to come to this though.  :(

    I think you should respect your daughters wishes.  I realise there's no harm in what you are doing but you might make her even more adamant & dig her heels in. Discuss her life choices by all means, but dont override them.

    Its ultimately her child & I think you should respect that particularly as it wont do the child much harm avoiding pork & additives which arent a healthy option anyway.

    I think I'll have to respect her wishes because, as above, I think it's her hubby behind all this IsLame, I doubt she'd have bothered much if it was left to her.  Feels strange to me the man dictating what the family should and shouldn't eat, it has never happened in this house before, they've just been happy to eat what lovely meal is put before them. LOL.

    You did nothing wrong Maya and sorry to hear your daughter got mad at you for no real reason at all.
    The other day I gave cakes to a coworker/relative/friend who is a Muslim and he rejected it after it contained Cochineal food colouring.

    False-fear and false-sacredness taking away the freedom of what a Muslim can and cannot eat in reality.

    This does worry me somewhat HO, just how many foods contain prohibited ingredients.  The thought of checking everything for such things before letting him have something sounds a pain in the ass to me.  wacko

    "The greatest general is not the one who can take the most cities or spill the most blood. The greatest general is the one who can take Heaven and Earth without waging the battle." ~ Sun Tzu

  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #13 - April 06, 2011, 09:44 PM

  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #14 - April 06, 2011, 09:47 PM

    Ok so I've been looking after my grandson who is a "muslim" baby.  (My daughter married a muslim and converted to Islam herself)

    He is 1 year old next week and is now eating "our" foods and I sometimes feed him when he's in my care.   I admit I haven't given much thought to the food I've been giving him, I just tend to give him the same as what we are having really.  wacko

    Anyway, yesterday I fed him his lunch and also gave him a sausage roll pastry which he relished, really he relished it with gusto, it was gone in no time, then I just gave him a flavoured yogurt for dessert.  My daughter came to collect him while he was finishing his yogurt, she checked the label and went crazy when she saw there was gelatine in it.  She did likewise when she realised I had given him pork.  Roll Eyes

    I can't believe her reaction as she hasn't really bothered much about what she eats herself, including pork at times, yet she seems to expect that I should abide by strict muslim rules on what is or isn't allowed re feeding her child. I argued that I am not going to check whether every food that I offer him is halal or whatever just because of some stupid religion. I know I can insist she brings her own food for him when she leaves him in my care if that is how she feels but I just think it's so wrong to restrict an innocent child's diet because of crazy notions like this and by a hypocrite mother.  finmad

    What do others think about this?  I want to start as I mean to go on as no doubt I will be having a lot to do with this child as he grows up.  Huh?

    Simple solution-- next time your daughter complains, just tell her to do the shopping for your grandson's food herself, and you'll serve only what she buys.

    fuck you
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #15 - April 06, 2011, 10:23 PM

    Tell her if she doesn't like the food you offer to the baby, then she can prepare him some meals and leave some snacks while he is in your care.

    Simple solution-- next time your daughter complains, just tell her to do the shopping for your grandson's food herself, and you'll serve only what she buys.

    She does sometimes leave pre-prepared baby-foods for him but it's the stuff in jars (I hate this easy option) and I have no idea if they are halal or not, although I guess from now on they will be.  Now that he's fully weaned I thought it would just be nicer to offer him proper food which is much tastier but I know I can't rely on her to always be back for him when she says she will. She brings his baby foods when she knows it will span a mealtime, otherwise I prepare him something myself if she's late and the baby is hungry.  I can't just leave a hungry baby crying when I can do something about it, which is what happened yesterday - she got delayed somewhere and was late back. 

    When the fruit of your loins dropped off the fruit of hers’ at your place, did she ask you to feed him only fruits? I’m gonna tell on you Maya, I'm gonna tell.

    I wrestle with the same prob yearly. On the month of fasting a long subdued tension surfaces between my siblings and I. Picture the scene: My sister's teenage daughter comes round to play with my little ones, but owing to the fact that she is fasting cannot fully partake in our traditional Sunday lunch. My wife and I playfully tease her till we break down resistance. My sister learns of this and a great big commotion ensues, four letter words are exchanged on the phone that might not be fit to print and the Devil roars with laughter. One can multiply anecdotes. Such, such are the trials!

    Incidentally, I don't advise giving your ear to Isabela the (alleged) Christer. I once requested that she speak to my Hungarian beauty about not lighting the place up with a hundred scented candles when my buddies were around, but she told to go jump. I reported her.

    You don't know my daughter  grin12  - she landed at mine like a hurricane in a mad rush, dumped the baby and his bag on the nearest chair, shouted she should have been at her appointment 5 minutes ago and then was gone as fast as she appeared.  Rifling through the baby-bag as lunch-time approached produced nothing more than nappies, baby-cream, a bottle of milk, toys and about a million wipes.  Cheesy

    "The greatest general is not the one who can take the most cities or spill the most blood. The greatest general is the one who can take Heaven and Earth without waging the battle." ~ Sun Tzu

  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #16 - April 06, 2011, 10:47 PM

    You don't know my daughter 

    Of course I don't you silly goose. You won't give me her digits. Pray let me whisper in her ears.
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #17 - April 06, 2011, 10:59 PM


    Have you tried reasoning with your daughter? You could explain to her (in a non-pushy manner) that imposing absolutist dietary rules on a child devised by a 7th century camel jockey  is not exactly the height of rationality?

    I do understand that she wouldn't want to antagonize the father too much but being anal regarding a minute amount of gelatine is a bit too much imo.
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #18 - April 06, 2011, 11:25 PM

    She does sometimes leave pre-prepared baby-foods for him but it's the stuff in jars (I hate this easy option) and I have no idea if they are halal or not, although I guess from now on they will be.  Now that he's fully weaned I thought it would just be nicer to offer him proper food which is much tastier but I know I can't rely on her to always be back for him when she says she will. She brings his baby foods when she knows it will span a mealtime, otherwise I prepare him something myself if she's late and the baby is hungry.  I can't just leave a hungry baby crying when I can do something about it, which is what happened yesterday - she got delayed somewhere and was late back. 

    Then it sounds like your daughter's problem to fix, not yours. Asking you to not knowingly feed him pork is a reasonable enough request, but anything more than that she needs to take responsibility for in my opinion. She can leave you with a sufficient supply of pre-screened baby foods, but if not, she shouldn't expect you to check every label, or, for example, go buy halal beef especially for the kid if you have regular beef at home. If the kid were allergic to something that would be one thing, or even if there were other health concerns, but asking you to bend over backwards to accommodate the superstitious dietary rules she and/or her husband impose on the child simply isn't reasonable-- that's her responsibility.

    Besides, isn't kinda a grandparent's job to give a kid food their overly strict parents won't allow them to have? Wink That's always been my understanding.

    fuck you
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #19 - April 07, 2011, 01:36 AM


    She does sometimes leave pre-prepared baby-foods for him but it's the stuff in jars (I hate this easy option) and I have no idea if they are halal or not, although I guess from now on they will be.  Now that he's fully weaned I thought it would just be nicer to offer him proper food which is much tastier but I know I can't rely on her to always be back for him when she says she will. She brings his baby foods when she knows it will span a mealtime, otherwise I prepare him something myself if she's late and the baby is hungry.  I can't just leave a hungry baby crying when I can do something about it, which is what happened yesterday - she got delayed somewhere and was late back. 


    Then it's your daughter's problem. I agree with Q-man that it's your daughter's problem to fix and asking you to bend over backwards to accommodate their religious dietary rules is ridiculous. Tell her either she leaves a prepared meal before she leaves or you will feed him whatever you deem fit for him to consume.
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #20 - April 07, 2011, 02:23 AM

    This apparent non-issue is indeed a very difficult question. Should you respect your daughter's wishes and thus reduce the child, the little person, to a mere property of your daughter, or should you treat the child as an individual who is not yet capable to decide what is better for himself and make this decision for them to the best of your knowledge? No, just kidding, it's a non-issue. Don't see a reason to start a conflict with your daughter over pork.

    "That it is indeed the speech of an illustrious messenger" (The Koran 69:40)
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #21 - April 07, 2011, 02:39 AM

    Sorry Maya, but your daughter is being a pain in the ass over something that shouldn't be an issue.
  • Re: Feeding a muslim baby
     Reply #22 - April 07, 2011, 03:56 AM

    And for the newer folks and those who don't remember/might have missed it, Maya's daughter actually joined this forum before she did-- she left but Maya stayed. So, Maya, should we all PM her and tell her to cut her poor suffering mother some slack?  dance

    fuck you
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