All Right All Right guys simmer down.
I came to this website primarily because me perception of Islam was limited to the scope of prescient Muslims. I came here seeking a new perspective. Although I must admit that I came here thinking I would encounter people who were largely uninformed I have to say that that assumption was wrong. Please don't take offense to that, I haven't had much contact with ex-Muslims, (as you can see from my introductory post).
Anyways, I came here seeking a new perspective and I found one, and even in my few hours here I can say that I've already learned so much from all of you here.
I think it is time for me to regress into my very own fortress of solitude as your kryptonite (sowing the seeds of disbelief) is taking quite a toll, not on my imaan but on my faith in muslims
A few personal acknowledgements:
BlackDog: thanks for the inviting welcome and opinions
Hassan: thanks for explaining to me your rationale, I've bookmarked your blog so be sure to update it regularly once your arm/hand/broken appendage heals up
alsaeedm: Although we disagreed on a lot of issues I still respect your opinion and the inviting welcome
Q-Man: it was nice to see someone actually enthused about my avatar and vice versa, all the best
Spinoza: thanks for the invaluable conversational company, you provided me with questions I'll try answering
Kenan: thanks for the book details, I'm not much a fan of Dawkins but after I've gone through the origin of species I might just take a look at it in passing
Yeezeevee: although you seemed like you were spewing rubbish close to the end there I still admire the fact that you actually took time to research islamic organizations in Botswana LOL
Ishina: Although I only got to know you close to the end I still respect the fact that you took time to post on this post. thanks
Sorry if I've missed anyone, I might drop by once I've learned some more because, as was all too evident in my responses, I have a lot to learn.
Parrots for everyone
Ciao and W. Salaam