Does the text not look abit small in those pictures? it's readable but seems like it'll give you eyestrain after a while, should have an option to increase the text, but I suppose that might screw the layout?
No, the layout is pretty tolerant of text size. In fact I have increased it over the current mobile theme, just to take account of possible variations in pixel pitch and eyesight. It still looks fine. I've been testing it down to 240 wide with a bit of zoom thrown in. Breaks then in a couple of places but nothing too nasty. It's still beta/rc anyway.
I'm on holiday, no bitching from me till I'm back
The text is very readable at normal zoom now so no need to worry about that
Ok cool. Thanks for the feedback.
Wow osman. Massive improvement. I didn't want to hurt your feelings before by saying that the mobile theme wasn't quite fit for purpose on my android. But now, before even looking around properly, I can see that most of my concerns have been addressed.

Bug reports don't hurt my feelings. They may make me grumble about bastards who make dodgey browsers, but they don't hurt my feelings. Debugging is normal.
See this? That's the new version of our software, which we'll probably be upgrading to shortly once a few more mods and things are available for it. I'm the poor bugger who was tasked with, among other things, making in work in LTR and RTL and in bloody IE6 as well as the other browsers. I'm used to bug reports.

It's just that in this case I was pretty much flying blind, and since nobody gave much feedback I assumed there wasn't any fixing needed.
It's finally looking and feeling right. The text is all legible now, without zooming, and I've spotted a few handy features already. I'll use it for the next day or so and report any remaining problems.
I'd finish this post with a big thumbs up, but unfortunately smilies are missing from the quick reply box...
Good point. I'll add them in. I left it basic before for quicker loading, but I'm not sure there is any significant penalty. I may also reinstate viewing of attachments.
Awesome work. Looks great. Only thing left now is to automatically switch based on request.
Thanks. TBH I'm not quite sure how to do that. I'm a gfx/template/css bloke and know bugger all about some of the guts of it. I'll ask some of the other teamies, or if somebody here wants to grab a downlaod and throw SMF on their local host to look at it that'd be cool too. I know which files the offending code is in.
Plus, improving recent posts...
In what ways?