Sometimes it does. My kids were small the first time I gave up for 8 years and they used to leave little notes under my pillow asking me to give it up for their sakes. I felt really, really guilty about it.
I figured that if I could do that I was also teaching them that you can do anything you want if you set your mind to it. Sometimes a little pressure goes a long way, whether internal or external, it's all a means to an end.
Well yes I suppose so if you can count 8 years as "it worked". You did start again though? Of course you can do anything you want if you set your mind to it, that's what I mean by you have to really, really want it to work before it
will work.
Thanks for your advice and support guys. I am really struggling. The hunger in my mind for a cig is spreading so much that there is very little space left in my head for any other thoughts. I am very close to having sexual fantasies about a sexy cig, dressed in an equally sexy bra. It would have to be lit of course. I'm not a pervert, I don't get turned on by unlit cigs...
Maya - I remember you from my first stay at cemb, months ago. It's good to hear from you again... You don't seem as active anymore? Anyways, I think I agree with Mr Lumus. I have lasted 24 hours of hell already because I know that I am passing on dangerous fumes to my gorgeous baby, every time I pick him up. Besides, he's getting to the age where he imitates everything I do, so that is motivation enough for me. I hope so badly that I don't cave in this time.
Hassan - as far as I can tell, you are the most valued and most loved member on this forum. I suspect the same is true about you in your life outside this forum. You should really look after yourself mate.
Ah musivore, yes indeed I remember who you are now, we conversed about circumcision (your son and my grandson). Good to hear from you too.
I assume your son recovered fully from the dreaded deed, I myself am in much debate with my daughter about it as the time gets nearer for his father wanting it to go ahead imminently.
I know exactly how you feel about passing on obnoxious fumes to your baby. I feel the same and whenever my grandson is in the car I never light up, nor when he's in the same room. I know I don't want to give up the smoking and that they'll probably end up the death of me, but I just figure it's the price I'll have to pay if that happens.
Not smoking around kids, in the car when others are present, on aeroplanes (because it's not allowed), in restaurants (because it's not allowed) or any public buildings is so much easier when I know I can go outdoors and have one, or after the plane lands I can go and have one after the other until I'm "topped up" again, lol, makes it all bearable.
I really do feel that if you want to do it you will do it, if you're doing it for others it rarely works (note I changed that from "never works" lol). I say good luck to you if that's what you really want but if it is isn't and you succumb then if you can at least not smoke around your son and others who hate it, just the knowing that you can have one soon, or in a few hours, days or whatever, really will stop you obsessing about wanting one so much.