The New York Review of Books reported in a 2008 review of the Middle East situation that "throughout the years, polls consistently showed respectable Israeli and Palestinian majorities in favor of a negotiated two-state settlement."
But... that still doesn't tell me what
you think.
You remember wrong. Most people don't support the two-state solution, nor believe it is a solution at all. And that's exactly what I was getting at. You seem to have this idea that the two-state solution is the only real solution and that if I were opposed to oppression I'd logically support it. And you somehow jumped to the conclusion that just because I quoted something it means I share the exact sentiments.
If you notice, I didn't make any statements, I merely asked tentative questions.
You're making the assumption that I "seem to have this idea that the two-state solution is the only real solution" and that if you were opposed to oppression you'd "logically support it". And you assumed that I thought you shared Ben-Gurion's "exact sentiments" when all I did was ask if you did.