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 Topic: Hey New Member

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  • Re: Hey New Member
     Reply #150 - June 22, 2011, 04:37 AM


    What parts of Islam do you disagree with?

    How do those parts make it wrong or error filled?

    Wrong... is an interesting word. I think most atheists would respond with various examples of contradictions, inconsistencies and illogical parts of Islamic belief. But I wouldn't trust a 'reasoned argument' as far as I can throw it. People can rationalise anything. Given a pre-existing, inherent bias, you can logically validate absolute shit. You can talk your way out of (or create) any hole in Islam, heck I'd do it for you. As above, with the discussion about Allah having a personality - I'm sure you could form a logically valid argument about it, but that doesn't make it a sound argument - that is, it doesn't make it true. I asked you for positive evidence, or an argument which necessitates Allah's existence, and existence in his specific form, rather than have you working backwards, trying to justify an absurdity. I could come up with a god with completely different traits, and argue in a similar fashion to you, and we would be none the wiser as to who, if anyone, is right. The point being, then, that even an error free Islam should not be assumed to be true, without valid reason -

    Yes, a god could exist. An omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent god, even. And some time between infinity and eternity, this needless god, who cannot be affected by anything, who has no wants nor desires, somehow decided to act. And his act could have been to create a vast, wondrous universe, so that, some 13.7 billion years later, in a corner of one of a hundred billion galaxies, orbiting one of its 200 billion stars, a mote of dust and water could give rise to - among a million different species of life - a talking ape. So that they could be judged for which hand they ate their food with and what sort of holes they stuck their penises in. And, in his infinite wisdom, God could have decided the ultimate test for this form of life, distinguished by its intellect and reason, to be blind faith. So, deliberately hiding himself, he chooses a handful of humans (who possess penises of course), with whom he will directly communicate, who alone are blessed, to convey his message.

    A plea for worship and adoration. The promise of satiating carnal desires for the obedient and warning of an impending tantrum for the rebellious. And at some undistinguished point in history, in some insignificant part of the world, he could have chosen his last prophet. And given him a book, written only in Arabic, and revealed over 23 years, bit by bit, - so that it just happens to look like it was made up ad lib by an Arab - recounting myths of men surviving in the bellies of giant fish, sleeping for hundreds of years in a cave, staffs turning into serpents, 100ft humans and global floods. Claiming the existence of messengers for all peoples and for all times, yet only detailing those from a relatively small area of the world in a relatively short period of human history, just happening to match the world view of a  7th century Arab. Outlining the great God's ultimate demand - Believe in spite of yourself. Questions, doubts, reason - they are from the devil. The one that pisses in men's ears and shits on women's heads - just accept it, or else. So for the gullible - eternal bliss. For the sceptical - incomprehensible torture; because they had the temerity to think, because they refused to be sheep and dared to be human...

    So much for errors. Doubtless none of that is impossible. You could rationally and logically validate all of it, no doubt at all. But why on earth would you believe it?

    There is no good reason to. The most Muslims can muster is more wordplay with more bullshit from the 'miraculous' qur'an. Until, and unless, you can provide me with a good reason to even consider Islam's claims to truths, whether it is contradictory or not means nothing to me.
  • Re: Hey New Member
     Reply #151 - June 22, 2011, 04:50 AM

    Looks like a funny thread Smiley
    But not funny enough to read 7 pages of it.

    "That it is indeed the speech of an illustrious messenger" (The Koran 69:40)
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