I would personally concede the point since I'd rather have hypocritical, illogical Muslims not killing me than honest ones who will...
LOL! Trouble is ... I was discussing with a non-Muslim who is very liberal. He is a New Statesman reader and was shocked to hear Medhi Hasan call Kuffirs cattle. Also very "Israel the aggressor" orientated. But he's fairly well informed on the liberal side arguments promoting Islam as a happy-clappy misunderstood religion. He's good at heart.
Thanks for those.
Now that I'm at a PC: Here a some verses:
http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/quran/int/long.htmlAllah stamped wretchedness upon the Jews because they killed the prophets and disbelieved Allah's revelations. 2:61
Allah has cursed the Jews and hardened their hearts. Nearly all of them are treacherous. 5:12-13
Don't take Jews or Christians for friends. If you do, then Allah will consider you to be one of them. 5:51
Jews and Christians are losers. 5:53
Jews and Christians are evil-livers. 5:59
Allah has cast enmity and hatred among the Jews. 5:64
Allah will punish the disbelieving Jews until the Day of Resurrection. 7:167
Fight against Christians and Jews "until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low." 9:29
So the argument here I think is the Bible verses have been dropped, Islam hasn't in it's majority based interpretation.
With regards to pederasty ...
Aristotle and Plato's contribution to society was fueled by what is assumed to be a fairly healthy pedophile relationship.What on earth? This is news to me! Apparently it was rife at the time and even Socrates is guilty.
It is an annoying devil's advocate support that Mohammed wasn't such a bad guy if pederasty was rife and killing Jews was fine because there was a conflict.
But even so, any well balanced person should be able to drop these verses, which Muslims as a group find challenging due to a host of (mind indoctrinating) other reasons.