I've heard this character raised many times by my islamic indoctrinator, and well he seems like quite an interesting piece of work. I want to know more about him but not through the generic ways of finding out, eg "sheikh google"

or the muslim sites that are bound to be biased.
Hopefully you'll know who Imam Al Ghazali is/was (i don't even know if he's alive or not

) and what your
personal views are about him.
What i've heard, but unsure of it's validity so pardon any incorrections. He went through a similar ordeal of questioning his faith, and he searched and researched to find out the truth, he had everything in life (sounds like a dawahganda story) he is/was intellectual, wise, knowledgeable, socialable, pious etc. But he reached a point in his life where he felt he was missing something or had got to a point in his life where he had achieved everything he could aspire to achieve, and he felt there was a need for something consistently eternal in his life; God.
So, when he ultimately found the truth (obviously Islam

) he wrote a book about his life and his struggle to get to this truth.
- Have any of you read this book of his?
- Is he genuinely an intriguing character?
- Is his book any good?
- what are the ratings/reviews?
- what do you think of Imam Al Ghazali?
Clearly this topic is open to discussion, but i genuinely want to learn more about him for my own personal quest, help me oh fellow Cembers