I was referring to IQ and religiosity. As I said, I'd suspend judgment on the issue of whether there's a correlation between physical attractiveness and religiosity or not.
I know some pretty stupid atheists, and some very intelligent muslims who won;t leave Islam. I am sure its easy to say that a believer is not intelligent simply because they are unable to shake off belief, but I think this fails to factor in so many things, like education, social conditions, chances in life, and so on.
It's just a correlation, not a causation which is important to keep in mind when talking about IQ and freedom being solely gifted to the few. It also dismisses believers who do actually score high on IQ tests, but won't let go of their belief.
Personally I think this correlation is no different from the race and IQ correlation, it's bubkiss and just part of the whole social identity theory of applying the best characteristics to ones own group.
I certainly do not feel I am smarter, or better looking than someone else because I am an apostate and they are not. Only when they prove they are stupid really.
I think its the path to prejudice formation to think your group is the best group.
There are dumb fucks in all walks of life.