Undecided. May relax the rules a little if I do. One cig and two teas is a fast of sorts? Surely the Merciful Allah would allow me that?
Oh no no no, Islam is submission, full on submission, no lee ways
I have a confession to make about Ramadan ..
The fact that I've been fasting for almost 10 years, with my own choice, with the whole energy, the whole muslimah role. And because of that, this year I just feel so extremely nostalgic, I wish I could just be a pretend muslim for a month, and take part in all of it again. I feel so stupid saying that cause as much as I know some of you probably think I'm stupid to want that as others have no choice but to fast (with the exception of Musivore, who is just a weirdo
) .. I wouldn't quite mind going through the whole Ramadan ordeal. Saying that I probably wouldn't be able to pull it off, cause I don't want to just fast, I want to believe in it, like I used to. I want to believe that it would gain me Jannah points, I wanna feel a sense of pride going to the mosque and being part of the Ummah. And well I'm never going to feel that ever.
Damn I suck. Why would I want that? I wish I didn't but I really do. Okay LOL I'm going to shut up now ..