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 Topic: Fara7's Journey

 (Read 18474 times)
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  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #30 - July 21, 2011, 08:51 AM

    Seems my reputation has gone all the way to Singapore now LOL, the Singapore brothers are writing to me telling me how I am not allowed to translate or interpret the Quran, even if my mother tongue is Arabic, to them that means nothing, I should just listen to the established scholars and ignore my own interpretation. 

    I just ignored them and replied with one of Joha’s jokes… really am so bad … I must stop this.

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #31 - July 21, 2011, 02:33 PM

    I don’t know what I should do, should I put so much time and effort into researching the religion and discover other religions (e.g. Buddhism etc ) , or have already wasted enough of my life studying Islam and Christianity?
    Should I be obsessing to find the next best thing, or should I just relax take it easy, and accept things as they come…
    Anyone read Tao of Winnie the Pooh?
    "When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet at last, "what's the first thing you say to yourself?"
    "What's for breakfast? said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?"
    "I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet.
    Pooh nodded thoughtfully.
    "It's the same thing," he said.

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #32 - July 21, 2011, 02:40 PM

    Relax, take it easy, and accept things as they come.

    Well put by the way (I think it's where I've been for nearly two decades now)

  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #33 - July 22, 2011, 07:56 AM

    Lol @ Jesus... I'd love a jesus in my life. I don't think I'd ever get bored of the cheap jokes that'd open up to me Smiley

     How did the steak eating go? It was today right?

    Forgot to reply to this lol,  the steak went fine, the big boss saw it, didn't say anything and I didn't expect him to. 

    My life is so much easier now that I don’t have to worry about Halal meat, must admit being so strict about halal was only for the last couple of years, and its been difficult, the meat at the halal butchers is not brilliant, they never had good cut steaks, also is awfully expensive, now I can go to tesco or waitrose and get a lovely ribeye roast for half the price of that leather steaks I normally get from the few halal butchers that sell beef.

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #34 - July 22, 2011, 07:56 AM

    Relax, take it easy, and accept things as they come.

    Well put by the way (I think it's where I've been for nearly two decades now)

    Well take it easy, focus on myself now Smiley

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #35 - July 22, 2011, 08:13 AM

    Today is day 4 of no sugar / carb diet, am so glad, once I go over 5 days I know I will be OK and I can stick with it for a while.  If I attempt to do this half heartedly it wont work.  Encouraged this morning because I lost 3lbs so far.
    Yesterday I had decaf&cream for breakfast, three quarter of a chicken for lunch and steak for dinner.  I think the ¾ of the chicken for lunch was too much, I was so full for a while after,  so I guess half a chicken from the rotisserie should be enough. 

    OK, from the body to the mind, and spirituality,  I remember after my husband passed away, it was tough emotionally, what helped me then is lots of prayer and fasting… yes it helped me to get through it and have patience and sabr.
    I was looking on the net somewhere and found many atheists practice meditation, and fasting, there are lots of fancy fasting retreats, where people pay loads of money to go to, spend the day meditating, have a lot of massages, listen to calm music and do some relaxing yoga, its not exactly like Muslim fasting, so many people who did this fasting in a retreat or outside rave about the benefits.   So yeh, seems I wasn’t imagining that my fasting and prayer helped me.

    As for fasting, I decided I will not fast the typical muslim fast this Ramadan as its going to be murder with me working. So instead I will fast a reversed fast (will try anyway, no strict rules)  so eat during the day and fast at night lol  … stop eating about 2pm or something and fast until the next morning Wink  but I wont put myself into any hardship, if I am really hungry I will eat, I think starving myself always backfired in the past, it messed my metabolism.

    As for meditating (AKA prayers in Islam) the question is when and how…. We have a mulit-faith room here at work, its mostly used by Muslims to pray, I suppose I can just go there and try to meditate!!   

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #36 - July 22, 2011, 08:34 AM

    OH forgot to post  my fav Pooh conversation
    "Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.
    "Yes,"said Piglet, "Rabit's clever."
    "And he has Brain."
    "Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."
    There was a long silence.
    "I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything."

    I think I need to look into tao of pooh as a new spiritual outlet Smiley

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #37 - July 26, 2011, 08:29 PM

    I am sooooo busy, can't read all threads and can't reply  Cry

    Maybe next week things will be less busy.

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #38 - July 27, 2011, 07:41 AM

    Hey, I was wondering where you'd got to (you're normally an unstoppable chatterbox  Smiley)

    Get less busy soon?

  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #39 - July 27, 2011, 07:38 PM

    I hope I will get less busy, I changed bosses and the new boss is kicking my ass lol, need to do a lot of work this week.  Plus have a few other stuff to do.

    Will be able to be here more this weekend and next week I hope.

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #40 - July 29, 2011, 08:11 AM

    OMG, a sister text me what she calls a ‘lovely beautiful little message ‘ and good thought to share… message saying: ‘Life is but a Moment, let it be a Moment of Obedience to Allah’ (Imam Safi)

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #41 - July 29, 2011, 07:57 PM

    I have two Muslims in my team at work, one is a colleague, I spoke with him about Ramadan next week, I just told him straight I won’t be fasting.  He told me he doesn’t think he can fast either lol, in fact I busted my ass last year fasting, and he said last year he only managed 8 days, i.e. fasted at the weekends only.  I am relieved, the other Muslim is the big big boss, but the other guy told me he drinks, I’ve never seen him drink, the team had many socials out in bars and pubs, and I never seen him come to those.  I normally go if I am in the mood, but I don’t drink, I have no desire to do so, I did try drinking many years ago when I strayed from Islam, and I somehow gave up without trying, I just can’t be bothered with it.
    Anyhow, that’s great I don’t have to pretend I am fasting at work.  
    There is a very overbearing hijabi Muslim lady who belongs to another team, she used to sit the other side of the room, we were both dreading her comments on us not fasting, but lucky we realised today they are moving her desk to another floor this weekend so great.  I just find her so aggressive and not willing to discuss any issue that will not agree with her strict Islamic view, she even argued openly that its perfectly fine for girls to marry at the age of 6, its only our stupid modern societies that think that this is wrong, at the time I didn’t know she had a twin girls aged 7, if I knew I would have confronted her if she thought they were ready for marriage, and not any marriage, noooo we are talking about a marriage between her 7 year old and a 50 year old... wonder what she would have said about that... anyway, I will keep my peace, and will avoid the Islamic chat channel during Ramadan out of respect.

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #42 - July 29, 2011, 08:25 PM

    Sweet, you have a blog! I rather admire your view of things, so I'll await your posts anxiously. -Bookmarks-  dance

    "I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want."
    Muhammad Ali
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #43 - July 29, 2011, 08:37 PM

    Wyre, same here, I like your posts too actually.  I am glad you like my views.

    I like and enjoy reading many people's posts on this forum very much, there are just a few retards here lol  but in general the views of most people here are really interesting, even though some of the members are very young, so I am impressed and admire with the majority.

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #44 - July 29, 2011, 08:53 PM

    S...someone actually likes the things I post about? mysmilie_977

    I feel the same. So many people here don't realize that I really, really value having their perspectives available and that I'm honored to be the one they share it with, directly or not, with you included. I hope folks like you stick around for a long while.  Smiley

    "I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want."
    Muhammad Ali
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #45 - July 29, 2011, 08:56 PM

    Yes, honest, I do like you posts  Smiley

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #46 - July 29, 2011, 09:06 PM

    I'm so flattered, thank you. <3

    "I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want."
    Muhammad Ali
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #47 - July 29, 2011, 10:18 PM

    I have two Muslims in my team at work, one is a colleague, I spoke with him about Ramadan next week, I just told him straight I won’t be fasting.  He told me he doesn’t think he can fast either lol, in fact I busted my ass last year fasting, and he said last year he only managed 8 days, i.e. fasted at the weekends only.  I alom relieved, the other Muslim is the big big boss, but the other guy told me he drinks, I’ve never seen him drink, the team had many socials out in bars and pubs, and I never seen him come to those.  I normally go if I am in the mood, but I don’t drink, I have no desire to do so, I did try drinking many years ago when I strayed from Islam, and I somehow gave up without trying, I just can’t be bothered with it.

    How do you find socialising with colleagues in bars when you're sober and they're not? I've mostly stopped drinking, so I do struggle with this. Especially after a few rounds, when everyone seems to move onto a different level, but you are stuck on the ground floor :(

  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #48 - July 29, 2011, 10:35 PM

    but worried atheism would make me unhappy or even depressed because I always relied on God to be there for me.    

    Eventually you'll find yourself relying on your intelligence and good being, i'm sure;  yes

    Altho I (almost) never relied on God when I was a theist/muslim.   Afro

    "I'm Agnostic about God."

    Richard Dawkins
    "If there is a God, it has to be a man; no woman could or would ever fuck things up like this."
     George Carlin == "...The so-called moderates are actually the public relations arm of Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Republic of Iran."  Maryam Namazie
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #49 - July 29, 2011, 10:36 PM

    Musivore, my colleagues are mostly mature peeps, majority know how to handle their drink Smiley   we are not talking college kids getting completely trashed Smiley  saying that I've seen some that got too drunk and said things they shouldn't have said,  if that starts to happen I just make my excuses and leave quietly.

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #50 - July 29, 2011, 10:42 PM

    Eventually you'll find yourself relying on your intelligence and good being, i'm sure;  yes

    Altho I (almost) never relied on God when I was a theist/muslim.   Afro

    Oh I loved the tawakul, and knowing that he knew what's best for me.  It just stopped me from feeling too bad when things didn't go my way.

    I am starting to learn slowly,  I can't believe I haven't prayed for about two months now, I am sort of scared of forgetting how the Salah goes... when I strayed for some years I completely forgot aspect of salah and had to lookup wudu on youtube!! I want to remember how those goes, no idea why!!
    Anyway, am waffling too much lol

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #51 - July 30, 2011, 11:06 AM

    Going out today to meet someone who I met before for a couple of dates, when I say a date, I mean we met over a coffee and the pub, nothing major happened.   He was away on business for a few months, we tried to stay in touch, but I gave up and didn't want to stay in touch with someone I only met a couple of times, now he is back and said let’s spend the day together.
    Heh, I should say no really as I know he will be back away for a while, but hey, it’s the weekend and its a good excuse to drag my ass out.   

    Yesterday I had some honey ,  nuts and fruit, which is not part of my supposed diet... dunno, I keep going back and forth on this diet thing... no motivation, no idea why I used to be so motivated before.

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #52 - July 31, 2011, 10:15 AM

    Date yesterday went far better than I thought, had a good time walking around the city.

    I got me a new Abs Gym (its like a seat that swings your legs) I had one of those before, it works really well, after one week of usage I find my abs are well defined, but the old one broke, so I got me a new one, I set it up last night and used it for 20 minutes...

    Got up late today... must go and get me some groceries etc. 

    Life is so good, I am a live, its sunny outside, I love being alive and feeling so happy. 

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #53 - July 31, 2011, 10:49 AM

    I'm glad you feel that way  Smiley

    I suppose if I'd just had a date that holds some promise for the future, and if my abs were as well defined as yours, I'd be feeling just as happy and alive as you are  yes

  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #54 - July 31, 2011, 11:37 AM

    LOL, am not happy because of the date specifically, but I had a good innocent time, walking round London and discussing everything under the son, it was like being with a good friend, also  just started working on my abs, so they are not defined yet, they are quite bad at the moment, I am normally a happy person, especially when its sunny.... I think my happiness all started years ago when I decided to change my food, at the time I got depressed for no reason, and the more I read about it the more I realised it can be linked to food, so no more processed food, nothing that comes in a pack or a bag, mostly whole veg and meat only, I also don't drink caffeine.  I believe that made a huge change in my psyche, and I am mostly happy, don't let others affect my happiness.  I get stressed now and again because of work though.
    The abs exercise is the easy bit, my abs gets defined quick, not 6 pack or anything, but become looking good, my problem is my legs, I inherited the most difficult legs to be defined, I am so envious of ladies who just work out for a few weeks and get really defined muscular legs, mine I could work out for months on weights and running, I could lose loads of weight and they still look undefined :(  whatever... one must be grateful for what they have Smiley


    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #55 - July 31, 2011, 11:52 AM

    Trust me Fara, most men prefer ladies who don't have defined abs, and who have naturally curvy legs. That looks more feminine IMO, and it's the kind of thing that attracts many of us men to the fairer sex in the first place.

    The fact that you were comfortable on your date, and that you behaved like old friends, is a very good sign?

  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #56 - July 31, 2011, 07:44 PM

    Trust me musivore, my abs and legs do need a bit of toning  Cheesy

    Yeh its a good sign I was comfortable on the date, I really am not bothered where this goes, the fact I had a nice day was good enough for me Smiley

    I received the usual Ramadan Mubarak text today.... actually this will be the happiest Ramadan ever LOL, I get all the benefits without having to suffer the fast, will watch all those good programs on MBC... during the day it will all be Sheikh and Religious programs, but then I'll be at work, in the evenings they'll have good programs..
    So I am looking forward to it   Afro 

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #57 - July 31, 2011, 11:02 PM

    If you need muscle definition, you need to lower you body fat percentage, but as a female don't lower it too much.

    Personally, I don't understand what all the hype about curvy big butts and Kim Kardashian look-alikes is about. Fit girls are much more attractive IMHO.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #58 - July 31, 2011, 11:12 PM

    yeh, great suggestion but to lower my fat % I need to exercise.
    Hey I don't have big butt  finmad    and I am not fat  finmad  I just want to fit into my siz 6/8 (uk) again.  Thats xsmall/small

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: Fara7's Journey
     Reply #59 - August 01, 2011, 09:39 AM

    I like big butts and I cannot lie…

    If you need muscle definition, you need to lower you body fat percentage, but as a female don't lower it too much.

    Personally, I don't understand what all the hype about curvy big butts and Kim Kardashian look-alikes is about. Fit girls are much more attractive IMHO.

    Yeah, what is all the fuss about with the Kim Kardasian type figure? What could anyone possibly find attractive in her ?

    I’ll never get it Huh?

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