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 Topic: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway

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  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #150 - July 25, 2011, 07:05 AM

    I hate how the media is referring to him as a neonazi or Christian fundamentalist wheen he is neither.

    It's fair to say there are hints of both in his political alchemy, but neither fully describe his blend of poison.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #151 - July 25, 2011, 07:29 AM

    I hate how the media is referring to him as a neonazi or Christian fundamentalist wheen he is neither.

    Yes - there seems to be an agenda involved (possibly not conscious as such). The first reference to Christian fundamentalist seems to have come from the Norwegian police (when they killed the "Islamist" speculation - and media seem to have continued to run with that. 
    There seems to be a trend in the media to try to describe a newish broad ranging political position to an unthinking population in a rather reductionist way by labeling it using already discredited labels.
    isn't he a christian fundamentalist? He was talking about things like a christian europe, crusades, templar knights, etc?

     He was talking about reforming the knights templar - in the sense of a pan-European anti-Jihad/Islamic "invasion" way. Not really religious as such though.
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #152 - July 25, 2011, 07:50 AM

    Yes - there seems to be an agenda involved (possibly not conscious as such). The first reference to Christian fundamentalist seems to have come from the Norwegian police (when they killed the "Islamist" speculation - and media seem to have continued to run with that.

    His manifesto is absolutely saturated with religious language and reference. Christian reformation is a massive part of his overall motivation.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #153 - July 25, 2011, 09:28 AM

    His manifesto is absolutely saturated with religious language and reference. Christian reformation is a massive part of his overall motivation.

    Thanks for clarification.
    Hadn't read too far into the manifesto - if I'm really bored I might later...

  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #154 - July 25, 2011, 10:43 AM

    I hate how the media is referring to him as a neonazi or Christian fundamentalist wheen he is neither.

    He refers to Christian purity and all the iconography and rhetoric is drenched in fantasies of Christian power and violence - in particular the Knights of the crusades and those Christians who fought against Muslim invaders in European history like Charles Martel.

    I'd say that there is a 'Christian' component to him, even if it isn't a 'scripture and verse' component - there is definitely a sectarian Christian nationalism of a very ugly kind in there. So as long as that is understood, I have no problem with describing him as, in part, a Christian extremist / terrorist.

    You are right about needing to be specific about the nature of it though.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #155 - July 25, 2011, 10:50 AM

    the norway bomber did nothing but advanced the islamists agenda around the world. now they're gonna gloat about their failed allah and koran being peaceful as opposed to this idiot's so-called religion.

    who the hell knows, maybe he was a secret moslem mole. his mo was exactly like those of taliban or al-qaeda. every time they get pissed about something, the blow up a mosque or a school or a bus depot, killing a bunch of people, some of whom may actually be in line with their demented ideology.

    Enough with the conspiracy theories please.

    The Islamists agenda won't be advanced by this. They will do what they were always going to do. In some ways he is a consummation of the Islamist / Jehadi dream - they will both feed off each other with the same violence and methodology. He mimics the jehadis in his rhetoric and propaganda and even talks about how much he admires al Qaeda and Islamist terrorists for their 'strength' and organisational capacity.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #156 - July 25, 2011, 11:13 AM

    Its right he is Christian fundamentalist.

    But overall he is something called: Counterjihadist. Counterjihadist are sometimes Christian fundies or Atheists/Agnostics/Non-religious. They are also Pro-Israel (Zionists), Pro Gay-rights and not necessarily Neo-Nazis.

    "Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all
            Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

    - John Keats
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #157 - July 25, 2011, 11:22 AM

    Here is what he believed about Jews:

    “If the NSDAP had been isolationistic instead of imperialistic(expansionist) and just deported the Jews (to a liberated and Muslim free Zion) instead of massacring them, the anti-European hate ideology known as multiculturalism would have never been institutionalized in Western Europe, because the Marxists would never have been so radicalized to begin with.”

    In other words, the Holocaust was not bad because people died, it was bad because it led to marxist theory that emasculated the white 'Christian' European male. The Jews should have been physically expelled from Europe en masse, rather than murdered, for that reason.

    In any case; educate yourself and learn the difference. Today’s conservatives and wantto-be Nazis are ignorant when they obsess so much over the Jews. There is no Jewish problem in Western Europe (with the exception of the UK and France) as we only have 1 million in Western Europe, whereas 800 000 out of these 1 million live in France and the UK. The US on the other hand, with more than 6 million Jews (600% more than Europe) actually has a considerable Jewish problem.

    In other words, Europe doesn't have a 'Jewish' problem because there are virtually no Jews left in Europe because of the holocaust (except for France and Britain). America on the other hand, does have a 'Jewish problem' because there are 6 million Jews living there. The 'Jewish problem' is, effectively, the existence of Jews. He has classical anti-semitic theories of hatred of Jews that accord with nazi view of the 'Jewish problem'.

    Here he is on racial purity and 'race mixing'

    There are many non-Nordic that try to mimic Nordic beauty by dying their hair blond and wearing contacts. So why not offer our children the actual genetical gift instead, through repro-genetics, rather than spending thousands of Euro and thousands of hours on make-up trying to mimic the Nordic ideal? As the Nordic ideal obviously is still prevalent in this multiculturalist world it may not be too late to prevent the extinction of the Nordic tribes. We are still a strong tribe, representing the most numerous in Europe, counting more than 200 million individuals worldwide.

    Race-mixing leads to suicidal children with severe mental problems. The offspring of race-mixers will feel like outcasts and it is very common that these individuals suffer from severe psychological problems throughout their life. Their parents obviously do not care as it would appear that their children’s psychological health and general well being is irrelevant to them. The suicide rate among these individuals is extremely high, which reflects the suffering they are put through by not having an extended ethnic family. A majority of Europeans sees ethnic, blood-bonds as the most essential cultural factor and considers their ethnic tribe to be their extended family.

    The more that is coming out, the more his ideas are a mixture of good old fashioned racial purity neurosis, with a wide range of far-right paranoia and loathing and hatreds.

    Throw in an admiration for the jihadis:

    We both share one common goal. They want control over their own countries in the Middle East and we want control of our own countries in Western Europe.

    And you can see where the 'Christian warrior' template comes from too.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #158 - July 25, 2011, 11:32 AM

    He simultaneously hates Muslims and admires them:

    “Muslim boys learn pride in their own religion, culture and cultural-conservative values at home, while Norwegian men have been feminized and taught excessive tolerance.”

    In other words, in his view, Muslims are not emasculated, they are taught pride and masculine values, whereas Norwegian 'Christian' men have been feminised.

    Now you can of course say that his view of Muslim masculinity and 'conservative culture' is only partial - so it would best to describe it like this.........he projected onto Muslim culture attributes that he was jealous of - cultural conservatism, pride in ones history and religion, and masculinity.

    He hates, but he admires also (at least he admires his own interpretation of Muslim culture), because he wishes Norway / Europe had not become so 'weak' through secularism etc

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #159 - July 25, 2011, 11:59 AM

    billy, is those quotations from his Manifesto?

    "Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all
            Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

    - John Keats
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #160 - July 25, 2011, 11:59 AM


    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #161 - July 25, 2011, 12:57 PM

    Incredible brutal ROGUE with free acess to fire arms. Read his manifesto..  It is the state that failed ., his father, a womanizer squarely failed in his responsibility as a parent..

    His hatred towards juice parallels  that brute Hitler  and Islamic preaching from hadith.. Damn fool wrote 1500 pages of rubbish...   he should be put in a zoo along with animals.. so people can come and watch him....  Killing such brutal nut cases is a of no use..

    This brutal rogue writes these words
    Reich’s theory was expressed in his words: “The authoritarian family is the authoritarian state in miniature. Man’s authoritarian character structure is basically produced by the embedding of sexual inhibitions and fear in the living substance of  sexual impulses. Familial imperialism is ideologically reproduced in national imperialism … the authoritarian family…is a factory where reactionary ideology and reactionary structures are produced.

    .. but can not spend a minute thinking about what he writes??   that is a classic family problem in the  society.. Lack of love and interaction.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #162 - July 25, 2011, 01:59 PM

    Security analyst gets it wrong:
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #163 - July 25, 2011, 02:08 PM

    A foolish writer in the news paper  This brutal Rogue as 'Vlad the Impaler was a genius':.. What is so genius about writing a hate filled manual this rogue wrote and  acquiring high power rifle to kill 10 or so 18 year old kids??  

    any way that link says this Nut case  
    The document, named 2083 - A European Declaration of Independence because he believes the war to rescue Europe from multiculturalism will last another 72 years, is published under the anglicised name 'Andrew Berwick - London, England, 2011'....

    The Knights Templar
    Breivik claims: ‘The Knights Templar was re-founded in London in April 2002 by representatives from eight European countries, for the purpose of serving the interests of the free indigenous peoples of Europe and to fight against the ongoing European Jihad.’

    He says the founding session (two meetings consisting of four founding members and host as a security precaution) was held in London in April 2002.

    Its founding members are said to range from the English Protestant host to a  French Catholic and representatives of the Serbian Greek Orthodox churches. No names are given and it is impossible to verify if this meeting took place.

    The ‘traitor’ targets
    Chilling: Breivik's online statement

    He says ‘Category A’ traitors are heads of state, ministers and directors. ‘Category B’ are politicians, journalists, teachers, cartoonists, doctors and even church leaders.

    Category C are less influential but have ‘facilitated’ A and B traitors.  The number of ‘A and B’ traitors in the UK is put at 62,216.

    He dismisses previous terror attacks as ‘poop in mailbox’ operations. The only way, he says to ‘successfully penetrate the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist media censorship’ is to ‘employ significantly more brutal and breathtaking operations’ which will result in casualties. Cruelty is necessary, he argues, – and you should kill too many, not too few


    What?? How many high powered politicians heads of state, ministers and directors.   politicians, journalists, teachers, cartoonists, doctors and church leaders DID THIS ROGUE KILL by killing 90 or so 18 year olds...  Huh?

    man MENTAL HEALTH problems...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #164 - July 25, 2011, 02:11 PM

    Security analyst gets it wrong:

    I am so glad that guy is wrong..  off course people can mistake such large scale attacks on Osama and the babies that come out of that ideology..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #165 - July 25, 2011, 02:26 PM

    It is obvious that Nordic entertainment super-stars like Scarlett Johansson (60-70% Nordic purity), Gwyneth Paltrow (70-80%)Pamela Anderson (90-95%), Paris Hilton (70-80%), Taylor Swift (80-90%) would have never been where they are today hadn’t it been for their distinct Nordic physical characteristics.


    For Europe, the most important thing to do right now is to dismantle the European Union in its present form, and regain national control over our borders and our legislation. The EU is so deeply flawed as an organisation, and so heavily infiltrated by Eurabian and proIslamic thinking that it simply cannot be reformed. And let’s end the stupid support for the Palestinians that the Eurabians have encouraged, and start supporting our cultural cousin, Israel

    Has he been in touch with HO  Huh?

    We, the armed European Resistance Movements, are in fact fighting for our indigenous rights (compared to the Islamic terrorists who are fighting for world domination – a global Caliphate based on Sharia law). An individual fighting for his indigenous rights is NOT a terrorist as history clearly proves. We are no more terrorists than the indigenous Brits who fought against the imperialistic Roman invaders, or the Americans who fought against English rule. We are no more terrorists than Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse or Chief Gall who fought for their people against the imperialist General Armstrong Custer.

     Roll Eyes
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #166 - July 25, 2011, 02:35 PM

    I am so glad that guy is wrong..  off course people can mistake such large scale attacks on Osama and the babies that come out of that ideology..

    Most attacks in Europe aren't done by Islamists:

    According to Europol, in 2006, one out of 498 documented terrorist attacks across Europe could be classed as "Islamist"; in 2007, the figure rose to just four out of 583 - less than one per cent of the total. By contrast, 517 attacks across the continent were claimed by - or attributed to - nationalist or separatist terrorist groups, such as ETA in Spain.

    2006 report:

    2007 report:

    In 2010 3 out of 249 attacks were attributed to Islamists:
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #167 - July 25, 2011, 02:37 PM

    Boy!  this BRUTE talks about Gene technology and improving intelligence through eugenics
    New civilisational goal - the pursuit for scientific and technological evolution

    The never-ending collective pursuit for scientific evolution and perfection should become the benchmark and essence of our existence instead of glorifying individuals acquisition of wealth and “lookism”. There must always be incentives. We should just change what types of incentives we wish to glorify. This type of civilisational shift is only possible under a strong ”nationalistic” framework.

    b. Biological perfection - reprogenetics

    The Nazis destroyed the reputation of “eugenics” by combining it to scientific racism and mass extermination. But seeking biological perfection is still a logical concept and I don’t see why we should abandon it. We just have to make sure that we offer it as a voluntary option to everyone or at least start by legalising it (promotional voluntary reprogenetics or private reprogenetics). We should legalise reproductive technologies that will allow parents to create off spring with biological improvement (reprogenetics). This must be a non-coercive form of biological improvement which will be predominantly motivated by individual competitiveness and the desire to create the best opportunities for children. Manifesto p. 1199-1200

    This brute is a specimen., he should not be killed but put in a bullet proof GLASS JAR  and he should be made an example by putting him in a MOBILE ZOO that can be moved around different countries..  so people can watch him and think about what he did..

    I wonder whether he had genes from Hitler...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #168 - July 25, 2011, 02:44 PM

    Good links dear Aphrodite, well those so called  Islamists also some sort of right wing nationalist nut cases  fall under same category..
    False Pride.., false pride..

     So I am going to put all these baboons  with such pride   together.. and educate them wherever/whenever it is possible..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #169 - July 25, 2011, 03:36 PM

    Most of the ethno-separatist terrorist offences relate to ETA in Spain and France, and the Republican terrorist splinter groups in Ulster. There are also attacks carried out by single issue 'activists' like animal rights, anti-vivisectionists, and so on.

    Its good to have an overview like that, as long as it doesn't seek to downplay from the real threat that jehadis pose. In the UK, I suspect the figures are significantly different.

    The rise of far-right terrorism is real. The Soho bomber of the late 1990's was part of a European tradition of far-right terrorism that includes the bombing of the train station in Bologna in 1980. Full resources and civil attention must be paid to it.

    Not all terrorists are Muslims. That is a good point well made. There is a propensity amongst some to say that this is so. It isn't true. Terrorism emanates from many different ideologies and religions and causes.

    At the same time we shouldn't deduce from that the Islamist threat is not real, or that a response to it is disproportionate, or caused out of an agenda of demonising Islam, as some suggest.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #170 - July 25, 2011, 07:44 PM

    Kenan, don't use the word retarded. We have several forum members who are retarded and might take offense at that statement.

  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #171 - July 25, 2011, 08:49 PM

    I am just Numb reading that guy's rubbish..

    1). It was designed to bring about the revolution he says is needed to end a centuries-long Muslim colonisation of Europe.

    2). Admitting the glorious services rendered by Muslims in Europe he said: "I don't hate Muslims at all. I acknowledge that there are magnificent Muslim individuals in Europe. In fact, I have had several Muslim friends over the years, some of which I still respect".

    3). ..... mortally terrified of the idea of several 'mini Pakistans' appearing all over the map of Europe. In his 'manifesto' he seeks to justify the reasons for his indiscriminate slaughter. Breivik goes into lengthy detail about his experience of Muslim when he was a teenager.

    4). In the manifesto titled '2083: A European Declaration of Independence', Breivik laid out a stark picture of the future of Europe, citing poor human rights in Pakistan as the fate of the continent. Norwegian authorities confirmed on Sunday that the manifesto was written by Breivik.

    5). In his doomsday scenario for Europe, Breivik predicts that several 'mini-Pakistans' would be created all over Europe by 2083, one in each country due to 'Lebanon-style' conflicts. "It could be similar to the division of India after World War II, with the creation of one or several Islamic 'Pakistan' enclaves," he says.

    5) "I don't hate Muslims at all. I acknowledge that there are magnificent Muslim individuals in Europe. In fact, I have had several Muslim friends over the years, some of which I still respect. This does not mean however that I will accept an Islamic presence in Europe. Muslim individuals who do not assimilate 100% within 2020 will be deported as soon as we manage to seize power."

    6). He writes, "For me, personally, it was my government's involvement in the attacks on Serbia."

    "It was completely unacceptable how the U.S. and Western European regimes bombed our Serbian brothers. All they (the Serbs) wanted was to drive out Islam by deporting the Albanian Muslims back to Albania."

    "I've spent a total of 9 years of my life working on this project."

    "In this manifesto, he appears like a loner and someone with a very peculiar intellectual influence," says Thomas Hegghammer, senior research fellow at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in Oslo, expert on terrorism.

    My goodness how on this earth this idiot killing 90 of 19 year old kids will help his cause?? and why is this Norwegian Defence Research Establishment i referred as FFI??

    And why is this some how every international brutal incident gets linked with Pakistan...?   RASCALS START BEHAVING.,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #172 - July 25, 2011, 09:08 PM


    Because its the Norwegian abbreviation. FFI = Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt.

    "Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all
            Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

    - John Keats
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #173 - July 25, 2011, 09:09 PM

    Oslo tonight, where between a 100-150,000 took to the streets to commemorate the victims of Friday´s terror attack

    During a ceremony the song accompanying the following video of a march in Trondheim, Kringsat af fjender, was sung. It is a poem, To Youth, by Nordahl Grieg, written in 1936.

    To youth by Nordahl Grieg

    Enemies near and by,
    threatening your right!
    Under a storm of blood -
    You have to fight!

    Might you then ask in fear,
    unarmed and open:
    how shall I combat them,
    what is my weapon?

    Here is your shelter strong,
    here is your sword:
    faith in mankind,
    and in everyone's worth.

    For all the future holds,
    seek this and tend it.
    Die, if you have to, but:
    deepen, extend it!

    Silent the bullets glide
    all through the night.
    Use all your strength and love,
    stop deadly flight!

    War is contempt for life.
    Peace is creating.
    Add forces to the strife:
    death shall be beaten!

    Love - and enrich with dreams -
    greatness of old!
    Challenge unknown terrain -
    truth will be told.

    Works not yet being built,
    stars never seen -
    reveal them through rescued lives,
    able and keen!

    Noble is everyone,
    earth, rich and sweet!
    Hunger and suffering,
    caused by deceit.

    Crush it! In life's own name
    injustice shall fall.
    Light, bread and love and hope,
    birth right of all.

    Forcing all weapons down,
    warfare shall cease!
    Shielding man's dignity
    creating true peace.

    Who by his right hand's side
    carries a burden,
    precious and dear to him,
    can never murder.

    This is our promise,
    from kin to kin:
    cherish our fragile Earth,
    it's ours to win.

    We will protect and keep
    beauty and grace -
    as if we held a child
    in tender embrace!

    Nordahl Grieg

    Johan Nordahl Brun Grieg was born into a prestigious Norwegian family. He was related to the famous composer, Edvard Grieg, and his family owned a large publishing firm. Born in 1902, Grieg was a poet, novelist, dramatist and journalist. When the Germans invaded Norway, he escaped to England, on the same ship carrying the Norwegian Royal family. Prior to the war his poetry was anti-fascist and pro-communist. Because of his strong stand against German occupation of Norway he became better known, and was a hero for many. He joined with British forces to oppose the Nazis, and was killed during an air raid against Berlin in 1943. His poetry is still popular in Norway.

    Like a compass needle that points north, a man?s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.

    Khaled Hosseini - A thousand splendid suns.
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #174 - July 25, 2011, 09:21 PM

    i am a lurker of this site but i could not resist joining commenting on this event.

    5 years ago the mohammad cartoons event alerted me to the issue of "islamofacism" and the dangers of islam. since i was an "apatheist" before the whole issue made me an, as hitchens, calls it, "antitheist" for a while with focus in islam.
    i was in the FFI forum and in other forums discussing about islam. i also visited muslim forums and met many muslims in real life.

    my introduction to islam was very molded in the FFI view point. mohammad was a warlord\murderor\tyrant which created a religion to justify his authority and violence. i learned that in some of its forms, islam is tends to theocratic facism and the issue of death penalty to apostates underlines this.

    while discussing and reading in muslims forums, i was appalled with the amount of agreement with this extreme vision of islam by the muslim netizens which exacerbated my concerns.

    however with more understanding my opinion started to shift. several reasons:
    1) i realized that islam as a political system tended to fragmentation. sects proliferate and fight each other, the kaliphate is an utopia and extremism will lead to neverending sectarian warfare.
    2)during the iraq civil war muslims across witness the violence of the sectarianism and muslim populations started to distant them selfs from this extremism.
    3)secular reactions started to gain traction within immigrant muslim population and this site is a good example of that. i believe that its sites like this that will empty the Islamic immigration menace that breivik so fears. i allways believed that the "war against islamofacism" is an ideological war, not a real war and it will be fought mostly in forums not with guns as breivik believes.
    4)youth in islamic countries started to revolt against their tyrants instead of engaging in nihilist extremist activity. its an amazing positive event which is still ongoing.
    5)i see the hysteria of recent years about islam in europe a necessary event to counter the mostly unchecked islamist ideology. atitudes changed and i see that in some coutries european secularism is being reinforced with new laws like the ban of burqas.

    instead of breivik, i saw this change and returned to my apatheism.

    breivik had more issues than just islam. he seemed to desire some kind of self sacrifice for some cause and the "islamic menace" just gave him the excuse.


  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #175 - July 25, 2011, 09:49 PM

    In light of events in Norway I felt moved to re-post two videos I made over a year ago.
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #176 - July 25, 2011, 10:25 PM

    I just read up on Breivik's manifesto, while I was checking out the news from The Guardian, and realised how alarmingly petrifying it was to see how far a right wing extremist could go. Shocked It's no surprise that the British Government wants to revise it's laws on religious groups such as the EDL and BNP, but somehow it just seems so unsurprising that they do not want to take any responsbility or have any form of connection with such spiteful groups. In a sense it's a postive thing so that this way they'll be able to keep a closer eye on the doings of such groups and have control over them. No?

  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #177 - July 25, 2011, 10:53 PM

    Wonder how arthur's doing these days  Huh?

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #178 - July 25, 2011, 11:19 PM

    It's fair to say there are hints of both in his political alchemy, but neither fully describe his blend of poison.

    The 2 things that stick out are his pro-gay and pro-Israel stances. Neither of these are characteristic of neonazis.

    Yes - there seems to be an agenda involved (possibly not conscious as such). The first reference to Christian fundamentalist seems to have come from the Norwegian police (when they killed the "Islamist" speculation - and media seem to have continued to run with that. 
    There seems to be a trend in the media to try to describe a newish broad ranging political position to an unthinking population in a rather reductionist way by labeling it using already discredited labels.  He was talking about reforming the knights templar - in the sense of a pan-European anti-Jihad/Islamic "invasion" way. Not really religious as such though.

    Exactly he's not a religious man. He's like a non-practicing Muslim who dreams of reviving Muslim colonialism and admires Muslim warriors but doesn't want application of Shariah.

    He refers to Christian purity and all the iconography and rhetoric is drenched in fantasies of Christian power and violence - in particular the Knights of the crusades and those Christians who fought against Muslim invaders in European history like Charles Martel.

    I'd say that there is a 'Christian' component to him, even if it isn't a 'scripture and verse' component - there is definitely a sectarian Christian nationalism of a very ugly kind in there. So as long as that is understood, I have no problem with describing him as, in part, a Christian extremist / terrorist.

    Fair point.
  • Re: Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway
     Reply #179 - July 25, 2011, 11:31 PM

    Here is what he believed about Jews:

    In other words, the Holocaust was not bad because people died, it was bad because it led to marxist theory that emasculated the white 'Christian' European male. The Jews should have been physically expelled from Europe en masse, rather than murdered, for that reason.

    In other words, Europe doesn't have a 'Jewish' problem because there are virtually no Jews left in Europe because of the holocaust (except for France and Britain). America on the other hand, does have a 'Jewish problem' because there are 6 million Jews living there. The 'Jewish problem' is, effectively, the existence of Jews. He has classical anti-semitic theories of hatred of Jews that accord with nazi view of the 'Jewish problem'.

    Here he is on racial purity and 'race mixing'

    The more that is coming out, the more his ideas are a mixture of good old fashioned racial purity neurosis, with a wide range of far-right paranoia and loathing and hatreds.

    Throw in an admiration for the jihadis:

    And you can see where the 'Christian warrior' template comes from too.

    Wow never read these. Thanks for digging them up billy. He is a neonazi after all, or at least a white supermacist.
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