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 Topic: Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)

 (Read 3292 times)
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  • Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)
     OP - August 02, 2011, 12:33 AM

    Just wanted to say hi to everyone on CEMB. Hope you dont mind if I join. I am a half Greek-Cypriot/half English guy. I have been a member of the site for a while but only just introduced myself.

    I was never a muslim so I cant claim to understand the difficult journeys that many of you may have had when leaving religion, so I admire those who sadly had to make such sacrifices and had to take a Leap of Reason off the precipice of Mount Unbelieveable rather than me strolling down the side, my path to non-belief was a free straight easy downhill primrose path with petals lining the route. It is understandable that some may be slightly envious of me. I didnt lose any friends or family over this and my parents didnt even think religion important or relevant enough for it to even be an issue. I never had to pray. They never really went to church and we would hide when the 'God Squad' came knocking on the door, but I would say the household attitude was 'secular' rather than 'atheist'. With a Church of England cultural background. You know the 'goofy village vicar on a bicycle and jam making competitions on the church lawn' kind of thing. Pretty harmless really and no-one (not even the vicar) REALLY believes in it.

    I am am an atheist so I dont believe in ANY gods. I find most (all?) religious claims to be ridiculous, sometimes embarassingly so and I think religion in many cases where it leads to ignorance, suffering and worse needs to be intellectually questioned, debated criticized (where necessary) and the reasons challenged why people believe in them.

    I am not a scientist, or a theologian, philosopher or anything like that, but I am a man-in-the-street enthusiastic amateur, who is fascinated by science and nature, life, the earth the universe and their origins, and try to keep informed as best I can. I cannot claim either to have read either the bible or the quran, so excuse any ignorance I may have, but I get the basic premises (ie A god exists and he wants this and that) of the major religions and they are so baseless even on a basic level.

    Living in England of I was exposed to (oo-err!) the bible so many of my topics may be bible/xtianity/creationism related rather than any other religions but, as we dont dicriminate here I hope you dont mind. Although many of the claims are similar, I am here to learn about other claims too, they all seem to fall apart under real scrutiny.

    My best friend is muslim (as are many other of my close friends I hang out with) and they know I am atheist and they have no problem with it. But we do debate. But every now and again he (and others) tries to 'prove' islam to me by pointing out so called miracles in the quran, usually of the "how could they have known that back then?" type. The other day he gave me a copy of Maurice Bucaille's book "The bible the quran and science". I dont always rise to the debate, cos it gets painful hearing the same arguments that xtians use that I would normally debunk, but he's my friend ya know.

    Anyway sorry to ramble on. Just a little intro on me. Thanks for welcoming me to the site, hope you dont mind if I drop in and post every so often, cheers!


    I am better than your god......and so are you.

    "Is the man who buys a magic rock, really more gullible than the man who buys an invisible magic rock?.......,...... At least the first guy has a rock!"
  • Re: Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)
     Reply #1 - August 02, 2011, 12:52 AM

    Hey Adey! Nice to see you on the forums  parrot

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Re: Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)
     Reply #2 - August 02, 2011, 01:08 AM

    Welcome.  There are a few posters here that have YouTube videos talking about quranic miracles.  Hope you enjoy your stay.

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)
     Reply #3 - August 02, 2011, 04:00 AM

    What a nice chap, welcome fellow n00b! As deusvult mentioned and has you may have noticed, there's tons of material linked on here that will help you debate (hopefully).
  • Re: Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)
     Reply #4 - August 02, 2011, 04:48 AM

    Great Addey, welcome to CEMB.

    BTW Wiki Islam addresses and debunks almost all islamic nonsense with source. Might come in handy.  Afro
  • Re: Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)
     Reply #5 - August 02, 2011, 05:59 AM

    Hi Adey5, welcome to the forums!

    You seems like a pretty cool guy, so here's a rabbit.  bunny

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)
     Reply #6 - August 02, 2011, 07:41 AM

    Hey Adey, good to see your intro Smiley

    LMAO @ not even the vicar Really believing it.

    Many of our discussions here concern religion in general, and are not Islam-specific. Either way, I can tell from your intro that you have much to contribute all-round.

    I look forward to seeing you pop in often  Afro

  • Re: Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)
     Reply #7 - August 02, 2011, 07:59 AM

    Hi Adey and welcome Smiley

    I'm not surprised to hear you say that about the vicar lol.
    My son is pretty friendly with vicar's daughter in our area; he decided to be a vicar while at university and now in his late forties is less than fervent in his belief, but still a great vicar I believe. How cool is that. Wink
  • Re: Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)
     Reply #8 - August 02, 2011, 09:28 AM

     signwelcome Adey, and you too deserve a parrot  parrot
    I like your story. You are not the only ex-Christian here. I know that the COE is a relatively secular belief, and more based on community then on faith.

    Religion is organized superstition
  • Re: Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)
     Reply #9 - August 02, 2011, 01:02 PM

    Hey Adey, I never realised you hadn't made an intro before, cause we sure have spoken. yes Anyhow, here's your well deserved but late welcoming parrot.


    It's good to have healthy discussions and debates as that helps one open their mind to new ideas that are unknown to them, as well as ground those views in deeper that one already has. Smiley

    And yes you are lucky for what you have, and I'm not envious of you Tongue ..  really though, it's great to have you here. Smiley
  • Re: Hi all! Atheist non-muslim here :-)
     Reply #10 - August 02, 2011, 07:06 PM

    Just like to thank you all for your warm words, wisdom, 2 parrots (Zaiba & Hallakuf) and a rabbit (aspdsp#J - you really need another name)!! I wasn't expecting so many replies after just 24 hours, you really are all a soppy bunch! Hope my little biography didn't bore you all to tears.

    Most of the time my argument is rarely with the 'Believers' personally, but with the beliefs themselves. However if a preacher/pastor/imam/anyone is the cause of unproven/ridiculous/dangerous/or downright rude claims or statements, I will politely point out flaws, question and dissect such arguments with as much surgical precision as my intellect allows. Sometimes, however, when the clever stuff doesn't work, ridicule, satire and humour can be my only weapons, to be used sparingly, as I realise I do have to tread carefully when safety is an issue, it would be tragic if anyone gets hurt after all.

    I was baptised a Greek Orthodox (none of that wimpy 'Sign of the Cross' stuff on the forehead), but I got a full dunking in that font, screamed my bloody head off I did hahah! But no-one forced my to follow or believe so I only have respect and sympathy for all who had horrid experiences in their escape from religion.

    Once again thank you for all the pointers and reference material to help me on my way. I have visited some of them before and they are very informative. I may have some questions with regards to the quran that I may have to disassemble so your help will be very much appreciated. Already have the Maurice Bucaille book in my sights and have started pulling apart some of its claims of divine miracles. But I don't want to or look forward to embarrassing my friend when/if he next asks me about it, cos he is like a 'brother from another mother' to me.

    I will be posting every now and again on some topics, so hope you don't mind me chucking in my 10cents worth.

    Ooh and dont let me forget to say....

    RAMADAN MUBARAK!!! to one and all. (Hope I am not being hypocritical)

    CEMB is a great site. All the best.

    Adey :-)

    I am better than your god......and so are you.

    "Is the man who buys a magic rock, really more gullible than the man who buys an invisible magic rock?.......,...... At least the first guy has a rock!"
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