Well in regards to the ideals that religion taught me, the first and foremost would be patience. I've never been a patient person and whenever I would do D'ua and ask for whatever I would want some sort of sign that would show me that my D'ua is accepted or whatever. I always wished Allah was a bit more responsive cause I hated not knowing whether he was happy with me or angry at me and whether he had received my D'ua or not, like a delivery report when you send a text would be so helpful.
Anyhow, when I was young I was always taught to earn respect, that respect and education were two things that no one could take away from you and only you could ear them or lose them. So personally that would always be my quest to achieve respect amongst people and to be educated. These are the ideals I still have embedded in me, and I should probably attend to these again like I used to.
Now that I sit back and reflect, it seems that I always thought that my ideals were inter linked to Islam in one way or another, and that now I was an apostate, it somehow meant I was an empty shell with no ideals or morals. I can happily see that, that is not as true as I had made it out to be.
[/end of personal revelation]
Qualities that I have always admired and have aspired to achieve would include the likes of;
guilt seems I have a bit too much of that at times when it isn't even needed, humility,
modesty seems Islam still influencing my mind in certain ways, honesty, earnestness, kindness, generosity and humbleness.
Any human that I witness with these qualities one or more seems to really impress me and I would consider them my role model, unfortunately there aren't many people out there who are in touch with their inner self, and hence are lost in their materialistic lives. If I was to thank Islam for anything it would be the fact that it humbled me to an enough extend where I would always find myself brought back to the ground no matter how high I'd hold my head. Unfortunately the Islam I followed and was brought up with was a scam, it wasn't the real true literal Islam but one that culture had molded over time.