Strict segregation of genders. Never leaving the house without a chaperone. Purdah all the time, everywhere. But I mention it as part of my international travel because if you are in purdah, you are not really having a travel experience. You are seeing signs in other languages and hearing people talk in other languages and the food is different. But you are not talking to anyone. You are not going out, either. Maybe you get a car ride somewhere so landmarks can be pointed out to you. Not very exciting.
I for sure was not cut out to be a 'muslim' 'man', I take the opposite(equally as dumb) view that yes people this is my girlfriend, aint she great/hot. Model, let us call her Soraya, well Soraya used to say are you sure this dress to short - No baby, why? - Cos my last boyfriend was forever pulling down my dress, so I am nearly the opposite of purdah (not a dogger).
International travel?
And for some people not talking and not going out is par for the course as businessmen. So, I know this was on the thread, but before I forget, he wasn't rich/older, he must have been fit as fuck?