I'm clearly hanging out with the wrong crowd if none of my mates listen to Eyehategod!
Anyways hopefully this next band will be an introduction to the most of you. maudlin of the Well released a double album around 2001 titled Bath/Leaving Your Body Map. They bascially play what is termed avant-garde metal, however there really isn't any other band on this planet that play music like them. They do however follow the philosophy of heavy sections and acoustic passages that bands like Opeth had already mastered by then but imo, motW pull it off much better, and the transitions between the heavy and soft sections are brilliantly done.
Also, they incorporate a lot of jazz in their music, play a wide array of instruments and also have brilliantly done female vocals. Personally, it took me a lot of listens for me to truly appreciate their music but once I did, wow was it worth it? So much can be missed out by just listening to it once, they really need to be heard a few times. Terrific band. Below are two of my favorite songs from them,