Hitchens is a thinly veiled xenophobe. He's one of those people who use criticism of Islam to conceal his right-wing bigotry. He and Ayaan Hirsi Ali should get married.
No argument there i agree with you
Sam Harris is an idiot. Letter to a Christian Nation is probably the worst anti-religious tirade imaginable. He was pretty much talking to himself, because even I didn't buy his shit. And his talk of objective morality through science just reeks of turning science into a religion.
I haven't read "letter to a christian nation" So i can't say anything about that :/. ON the the second point , I agree i don't know how some can drive objective morality out of science Any how since his book "the moral Landscape" got posotive reviews from the likes of Lawrence krauss and steven pinker , I bought it though haven't read it yet.
its harmful to atheism. also you HAVE to consider capitalism, the whole point of atheism is to get rid of the Myths
That would depend on your defination of the word atheism eh . Atheism is by defination "non beleif in a god/gods" A person can be an atheist and beleive in ghosts at the same time.
Oh and i have also seen (Apart from dennet though i could be wrong) that dawking, harris and hitchens mostly attack religion and call it irational but they has put some intuelcutal arguments forward.
Oh and i forgot to respond to this before.
And The God Delusion is one of the best books
I would strongly disagree i think the god delusion isn't one of the best books. Compare it with the works of Berrtrand Russle and see how short it falls. Dawkins is an exellent biologists and i have nothing but respect for that man but he honestly can't stand his ground if he is arguing against someone like William lane craig.
@Lucem Ferre Whats your opinion on dan barker ?