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 Topic: Rude hawt chicka at da store

 (Read 4675 times)
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  • Rude hawt chicka at da store
     OP - August 31, 2011, 07:14 PM

    So I went to the store just now (its late at night).

    This hot chika was also there, lots of make up, nail polish, perfume, absolutely no hijab, scarf, dupatta, etc.

    When I was waiting in the checkout, as soon as the guy before me checked out, she came over and put her juice on the counter before I could put my stuff.

    Then she goes, "Uncle, I only have Rs. 60. This one costs 76 I think."

    I immediately thought, opportunity, I'll offer to pay the extra RS 16. But it seems like the bald old guy behind the counter either knew her or just wanted to get in her pants. He just took her juice and scanned it, and took her money, and didn't ask for more.

    Then she reached over to take her juice, her arm brushed mine, and then it brushed my 1.5 ltr bottle of diet coke that I'd just put on the counter, she was standing right behind the counter, so the bottle tilted and tried to fall on her. She goes "Oh!".

    I lifted my arm quickly and grabbed the bottle before it could fall on her. It was like that scene in spider man where he grabbed a food tray and caught everything on it.

    I thought she'd be impressed by my quick reflexes, or at least say thanks, or something.

    But instead she just looked at the bottle, then at the baldy guy, went 'Thanks then.' and left.

    How rude is that?

    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #1 - August 31, 2011, 07:17 PM

    You one sad dude baby......!!!! Wink

    May god have mercy on your soul!

    Little Fly, Thy summer's play
    My thoughtless hand has brushed away.

    I too dance and drink, and sing,
    Till some blind hand shall brush my wing.

    Therefore I am a happy fly,
    If I live or if I die.
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #2 - August 31, 2011, 07:19 PM

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #3 - August 31, 2011, 07:20 PM

     Roll Eyes

    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #4 - August 31, 2011, 07:23 PM

    u mad

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #5 - August 31, 2011, 07:26 PM

    srsly, was she rude or not.

    We need a srs intellectual debate about the appropriate way to deal with someone that saves you from coke falling on you at the store. And what I could've done to chat her up.  cool2

    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #6 - August 31, 2011, 07:29 PM

    Chicks like straightforwardness, you should've whipped your dick out.
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #7 - August 31, 2011, 07:30 PM


    We dont do that kind of stuff here. Its disgusting!

    Little Fly, Thy summer's play
    My thoughtless hand has brushed away.

    I too dance and drink, and sing,
    Till some blind hand shall brush my wing.

    Therefore I am a happy fly,
    If I live or if I die.
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #8 - August 31, 2011, 07:35 PM

    I know what you mean!!


    It's worse when for example someone bumps into you and hurts you/nearly knock you over and because you're so polite and 'trained' you instinctively apologise EVEN though it was their fault, then they look at yuo with a bastard expression as if to asy 'dam right you should be sorry' then you feel so annoyed!

    Agggh rude people

    That said though sometimes I'm rude (a lot of times) but I'm actually nice/polite. I come across rude cos I'm often in my own world. Someone will smile or something and I'll walk past with a nasty look then realise they prob thought 'what a bitch' but in reality I was miles away and didn't mean to be rude!

    Oh, also, sometimes young girls are rude to guys they think are hot  Afro
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #9 - August 31, 2011, 07:42 PM

    Well she was older than me if not the same age, I'm 21, she seemed 24-25.

    Anyway, so how about we pretend you're that girl and I pretend to catch a falling bottle of coke before it can hit you, and you thank me by giving me a lap dance?

    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #10 - August 31, 2011, 07:44 PM

    inb4 long post about my perversity or lap dances...

    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #11 - August 31, 2011, 07:51 PM

    I think you desperately desperatly need a orgasmatron! And im desperate to send you one!

    Little Fly, Thy summer's play
    My thoughtless hand has brushed away.

    I too dance and drink, and sing,
    Till some blind hand shall brush my wing.

    Therefore I am a happy fly,
    If I live or if I die.
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #12 - August 31, 2011, 07:57 PM

    Shilaki you can't 'buy' a lapdance with that. It costs £50 to £100 here in the UK, probably less in Pakistan.

    If you want a lapdance off a woman not selling her body, it will require a lot more cash, time, attention (in other words a long relationship)
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #13 - August 31, 2011, 07:58 PM

    I think you desperately desperatly need a orgasmatron! And im desperate to send you one!

    oh lawd! But it'll only work for about 5 mins and then i'll be hard again.

    Have you heard that joke about a princess and a punjabi guy?

    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #14 - August 31, 2011, 08:01 PM

    No you plug it into the electricity will last forever

    Little Fly, Thy summer's play
    My thoughtless hand has brushed away.

    I too dance and drink, and sing,
    Till some blind hand shall brush my wing.

    Therefore I am a happy fly,
    If I live or if I die.
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #15 - August 31, 2011, 08:02 PM

    Your staring at her probably creeped her out.

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #16 - August 31, 2011, 08:05 PM

    I didn't stare! I only had one look at her when she walked by me. 1 second is enough to see that she had no hijab, wore nail polish and make up, etc.

    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #17 - August 31, 2011, 08:06 PM

    Cool fantasy, bro.

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #18 - August 31, 2011, 08:07 PM

    Anyway, the joke goes like this. There was a princess who held a competition to find a husband, but she said she would only marry the guy that could fuck her the longest before being exhausted.

    People from all over the world came over to give it a try, some lasted 3 times, some 5, some lasted 6.

    Then a punjabi guy came over and fucked her 15 times in the course of 1 night, until she was exhausted and told him to wait in the other room.

    A few mins later she went to his room to tell him he'd won the competition.

    He was sitting on his bed, jacking off.

    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #19 - August 31, 2011, 08:08 PM

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #20 - August 31, 2011, 08:09 PM


    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #21 - August 31, 2011, 08:12 PM

    I didn't stare! I only had one look at her when she walked by me. 1 second is enough to see that she had no hijab, wore nail polish and make up, etc.

    No hijaab? What a slut, she's just asking to be raped! Who the hell does she think she is? If she doesn't cover to extreme lengths then obviously this means she wants every man to fuck her  Cheesy
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #22 - August 31, 2011, 08:13 PM

     Roll Eyes No, it just means she was my type, and I was interested in her. If I see a hijabi girl I know we're not compatible, and don't even give it a try.

    You jump to conclusions too quickly.

    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #23 - August 31, 2011, 08:15 PM

    What if she were a hijabi but secretly ex-Muslim?
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #24 - August 31, 2011, 08:16 PM

    Could happen but small chance.

    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #25 - August 31, 2011, 08:28 PM

    Ok ok my bad

    Courting is hard, society has made it so taboo. Even in the UK there was a documentary on how people can't court in a proper way, with many people having to get drunk to chat to the opposite sex
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #26 - August 31, 2011, 08:32 PM

    srsly, was she rude or not.

    We need a srs intellectual debate about the appropriate way to deal with someone that saves you from coke falling on you at the store. And what I could've done to chat her up.  cool2


    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #27 - August 31, 2011, 08:50 PM

    21? You need to do some serious growing up, maaan…

    with many people having to get drunk to chat to the opposite sex

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #28 - August 31, 2011, 09:12 PM

    You need to do some serious growing up, maaan…


    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • Re: Rude hawt chicka at da store
     Reply #29 - August 31, 2011, 09:13 PM



    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

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