Re: Are you racist?
Reply #254 - February 07, 2012, 10:32 AM
slight necropost but regardless:
i suppose i am a tiny bit racist. i grew up in a deprived neighbourhood in birmingham of which, the majority comprised of pakistanis, bangladeshis and indians. every fight i've ever had in my life has been with either one of those races, and i've had to deal with racism from them for about 5 years before i finally left that area. shit, even when at university i had a drunken fight with this indian guy who got pissed off because i didn't give him a cigarette, and every single hostility when i talk to girls at clubs has come from either pakistani, bangladeshi or indian guys who are 'with' them but not WITH them. it's made me grow a bias towards people of those races, and i tend not to trust them or be as nice to them as i normally would(unless i know they aren't a prick, i.e. i know somebody who ISN'T one of those races who'll vouch for them).
i know it's completely immoral for me to be biased in that manner, but it's just a defense mechanism i've grown after having countless fights(i know it's over 40), countless confrontations and harassment(got bricks/bottles chucked at me a couple of times, and have been rushed about 5 times) over my life, and the only thing every violent confrontation in my life has had in common is the race of those confronting me. i feel a lot more comfortable around anybody who isn't one of those races generally, and it'd take a LOT for me to warm up to someone who one of those races(unless i grew up with them, that's the only exception).
so yeah, i'm a bit of a racist. but it's not that i hate them or i think they're inferior, i just don't initially trust them and will tend to prepare myself for imminent hostility if i am to ever come across them. yes it's immoral and stupid but it's just the way i've grown up i guess(inb4 ridiculous platitude)