Key points:
In Britain, those who profess no-religion have risen from 31% to 43% between 1983 and 2008. In 2009, this was found to have further risen to 51%.
Conversely, in 1983 66% identified as Christian, in 2008 the number was 50%. In 2009, this further declined to 43%.
The proportion identifying as belonging to some other religion has risen from 2% in 1983 to 5% in 2009.
In 2008 37% of the UK population are sceptical, 35% have definite or doubtful.
In 2009 only 17% of the British population attend religious services at least monthly, and only 11% attend at least weekly.
Those self-described as members of the Church of England consist of 20% of the population in 2009 (40% in 1983). In 2008, it was found that 49% of this group never attend services; only 8% of people who identify with the CofE attend church weekly.
62% of people in Britain never attend a religious service.
42% of all those questioned are against any form of faith school
52% agree that “Britain is deeply divided along religious lines”
Religion in Britain is estimated to have a ‘half-life’ of one generation
Views on Religion and Politics:
“Three quarters (75 per cent) maintain their religious leaders should not try to influence voting behaviour while two-thirds (67 per cent) think religious leaders should stay out of government decision making” (Page 74)
“Nearly half (45 per cent) of people in Britain take the view that laws and policy decisions would probably be worse in these circumstances and only a quarter (26 per cent) think that decisions would probably be better.” (Page 74)
“There is also disquiet about the extended to which religious faith can lead to intolerance. Three quarters (73 per cent) of Britons maintain that “people with very strong religious beliefs are often too intolerant of others”. Naturally, agreement was highest among the unreligious (at 82 per cent), but even 63 per cent of religious people concurred.” (Page 75) my perspective, your questions are not anything special or anything the vast majority of parents would have any problem with.
So I must ask, how statistically different are muslims? Would 51% of people with a muslim background say they have no religion?
How many muslims actually attend mosque?
I don't think there is a support group for ex anglicans.....