I say learn them both -- most Esperanto speakers are polyglots, and many start learning a language after coming into contact with a culture through another Esperanto speaker. It's not a competition.
And no, it doesn't annoy me that you'd rather learn Basque

It doesn't annoy me if someone dislikes Esperanto. The thing that annoys me is when people make claims about it without investigating it first. So far you haven't done much of that (making unfounded claims) -- not lately anyway. You just say that you don't like the idea, which is fine. Out of curiosity, what do you think of the very concept of an IAL?
I'd be interested in hearing your views as well, Zebedee (also, have you read Arika Okrent's fascinating book, In the Land of Invented Languages? She's a linguist herself, and her writing is quite humorous and balanced, for the most part. The book doesn't discuss Esperanto much -- it's more of a history of conlangs in general.)