The sexual orientation was not specified, but was assumed under the labels 'men' and 'women' marginalizing and ignoring those groups who do not identify with those labels.
Yes I know, but why would the video appeal to gay men/women anyway?
You're now only nitpicking the linguistics of the title. It's pretty clear who the target audience is intended for.
I think you need to check your male privilege.
Men have never been denied their basic human rights in the same way women have,
Define basic human rights?
Also, as you have clearly written, this was in the past. How does the past affect the present generation of men and women?
they do not suffer because of their gender the same way women do.
Any evidence of this in the Western world?
Comparing 'slut' and 'friend-zone' to 'pervert' and 'gay' is not the same
I agree because labeling someone as a 'pervert' carries much more negative connotations than being labelled a 'slut'.
The very fact that there is this friend-zone rubbish going around is shameful.
Perhaps it's from people's personal experience.
Why do you think it's rubbish?
How can you come to this conclusion without providing any reasons on why it's rubbish?
It's pretty clear, just by going on anecdotal evidence, that many men do believe in the friend zone because of their personal experiences.
Hearing 'no' and being rejected is a natural part of life, regarding relationships or otherwise.
Yes I agree, and like I said before, I blame the men for being beta white knights for not being able to disregard someone who rejected them as opposed clinging to them desperately.
But, you must remember that being a woman and rejecting a man can be dangerous - we live in a rape culture which makes it alright for (some) men to harass women in public (and private) spaces
Are you telling me that men are encouraged to harass women? Which culture have you been living in? As far as I'm aware, the law takes harassing very seriously, if what you are saying is the case, then men would be free to harass women.
this involves being stalked, groped, or having a man not respect your personal space and/or leave you alone unless he gets your number, domestic violence, rape, incest etc I think you get my jist...
This is only a very small minority of men who think it's right to do this and like I said before the law (In Western countries at least) takes this very seriously.
Also what do you think when some women do the same to men? Don't you think that there should also be some more focus on this as well? Because it's not only women who are the victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence (Along with all the other things you wrote).
All that I get from this friend-zone BS is that those who advocate its use have a problem with women who say NO and a weak ego.
I agree. The men who get rejected should man up and accept this reality.
And they lack the capacity to be good friends without deceiving others with the pretense of 'friendship' so that they get laid/in a relationship.
And what about those women who use these men to their advantage? For example; get these men to do stuff for them, buy them things ect.
Surely the some women who take advantage of such men should also bare the blame. At the moment, you're putting all the blame on men.
FYI, suggesting men suffer because they get called pervert for saying yes and 'gay' for saying no is not 'double standards'. It's just a poor misandry attempt.
I can also say the same about your comparison.
See, at the moment, you are refusing to believe that women can do anything wrong, and that men are all evil, holding women back.
We live in a sexist
Please elborate, I'd love to hear your reasoning for this. (I'm talking specifically the Western world here)
which benefits men more than women,
As above.
and benefits straight white men more than other groups and benefits straight white women more than other groups and so on.
I don't really think so.
I mean, how many words are there in the dictionary which describe men as 'sluts'?
So what is your point to this? How many words are there in the dictionary which describe women as 'perverts'?