that makes me think why did he want to debate Hamza when he couldn't fully address the issue in the first place.
ah ha!. that is bloody set up these buggers play., He is a very well known Physics Prof at LUMS., So some of his students(who are baboons) conned him to debate with this guy., Hoodbhoy could not say no to them., But he also didn't know this character and his antics around the web..
He still didn't call Hamza's nonsense, he just argued how Religion shouldn't be with science and this and that but he didn't explain why it shouldn't be mixed with science and how did he defend Rationality through science ?
well Hoodbhoy has some limits in land of pure unlike Tortilla who is a guest over there..
I don't know, I need to watch the rest of the debate, till now I am disappointed a bit, I expected a lot more from a scientist.
I expected him to refute Hamza's nonsense rationally and logically and not tell us why religion shouldn't be mixed with science, that is very irrelevant.
I expected him to logically refute Hamza's Law Giver Argument, and that THERE MUST BE AN INTELLIGENT MIND THAT CREATED THE UNIVERSE also by using physics to refute Hamza's claim about Infinity and the law of gravity and so on.
That is all right .,
No one can debate these fools on stage., they jump from Quran in English to Quran in Arabic, Embryology in Quran to Geology in Quran to big bang theory in Quran.. and what not .. at the end they say
"you don't understand my argument" you are not a Philosopher.,... may be that is because you are born in Muslim world ..... that could be the reason you hate Islam and Muslims.. How can you argue with idiots talking like that? that too in presence of Muslim crowd/students..?? The funny thing is, these fools know nothing about any fields of science they are arguing with, including common sense. But they have big mouth and if the fool is born in west and western convert, he/she may have bit of that English accent by which they try to attract Muslim crowds of East.
Anyways., some 4 year back this tortilla debated at FFI where I was very active
Ali Floored the guy., unfortunately I can not find the complete debate..