I'll take your question as a general, so to present some evidence that I have outside my "wishful thinking" for Christianity / Orthodoxy.
For this I will use an Arab thinker ( if I will be on an atheist forum, I would will used Friedrich Nietzsche, or Voltaire )
His name is Theodor Abu Qurrah
Abu Qurrah used a thought experiment in which he imagined that he has grown up, on a mountain top, away from  any religion. And one day descended to analyze the religions of man.
It uses three principles, to discover the true religion.
If a God exists, he has a message for humanity, and is a just God then:
Well, ignoring the fact that you don't really know if God exists, or if there's only one god or more, you don't know these statements are true either:
1. That he has a message for humanity. (The deist god doesn't interfere at all for example.)
2. That he is just. - In fact, if nature is anything to go by, it's quite an unjust place with unequal opportunities, with some lifeforms at the bottom of food chain and every member in constant danger of death or physical harm. - Then again I wouldn't be surprised if you just dismissed this argument because words (like "just") mean what you want them to mean.
You're also relying o several other assumptions for example:
- that God would reveal his message through a few fallible men
- that God even needs to reveal a message - Why not just tell everyone who he is and keep in contact with them? - I mean think about how ridiculous this sounds, it would be like Obama hiding in a bunker all day and only communicating through a few appointed officials. This is just not a rational way to communicate with human beings.
- that God is this totalitarian dictator / absolute monarch figure
1) He has to send his messengers to all ends of the earth. This is crucial, to demonstrate that, he uses an analogy  very common in the early Islamic period.
If a man has 50 servants, and requires only some of them to cultivated the land, and then ask  all of them  to present him the fruits of the earth, then how just is him?
He must do so as his messengers, to reach all nations, which to have the possibility to reject his message or not[/b]
No religion has ever been equally spread, who reached out to the Native Americans for example for almost 1500 years? Even today you might find some obscure tribe that doesn't know any better.
2) His message must be sent in all earth languages.
Again he uses the example with the ruler that has servants who speak different languages, but if he send his message in a "holy language" that only a small part are able to comprehend then is He a just  God?
Therefore he must do so as his message to get to be preached in all earth languages.
Qur'an has also been translated in multiple languages
3) His original Messengers, must show signs and miracles, to show that their message is really is  from God.
Again he is using the example of the 50 servants, which all receive a letter with a message, but his message is not accompanied by his seal and his signature. And the servants, they do not know from who it came.
Does he have the right to punish then and still consider himself a " just  God"?
I love it when a theist makes my argument for me.
Yes, I reject Christianity because it doesn't come with his "seal and signature". I haven't seen any "miracles" so far, only people tell me about them and being unconvincing. And I have good reasons to believe the "seal and signature" is counterfeit.
1) Of all religions of earth, only Christianity has the command to be preached to the ends of the world, and only Christianity hes followed this command whit unprecedented fanaticism.
Dawah rings a bell?
2) The Bible is the most translated book in the world, missionaries went even to the smallest tribes from africa and amazon, learned that language and preached the New Testament message.
Unfortunately there's no logical connection
3) Jesus died and rose again the third day and in doing so, He defeated the death itself.
His apostles performed miracles too, that are remembered even today in the popular tradition, of the countries in which they preached.
Unfortunately, no way to actually verify that. If you can make solid case that would stand up in a court, I'd love to hear it.
I hope you have asked of me, if i have a rational faith, and if this is what you asked for me, I have shown you that.
What you have provided isn't solid enough to count as "rational", it's highly speculative (and misleading) and you need more justification, especially for something as extraordinary as God.
But I hope that you do not want to turn this in a skeptical - sophistical battle,because in accordance with skeptical philosophy, to any argument of your I can  oppose an opposed argument to infinity.
„To every argument an equal argument is opposed” ( Sextus Empiricus, Pyrrhoniene Sketches, I, 12)
The thing is we are not on equal footing here. I'm not the one making the positive claim, you are.
Unless you can show it, it doesn't even matter if a person is atheist or agnostic, from a practical point of view, the assumption will always be that there is no God.
Oh and Ontological argument is a joke. Can be summed up to "God is perfect, perfection implies existence, therefore God exists". It's a word game, rephrased in various ways over centuries, as if one can simply define things into existence.
Then starting from the Fyodor Dostoyevsky argument, that If God do not exists then anything is possible even cannibalism!
I accept the argument from morality
The thing I don't like about this argument is that you're basically admitting morality doesn't really matter. It's nothing but the arbitrary whims of a celestial being. I mean you can forget about pain/pleasure of sentient beings, you can forget about short-term and long-term benefit for society and/or individuals (with a balance between the two in the form of inalienable human rights - i.e. you'll respect this person's rights even if it's detrimental for society) - You're telling me nothing of that sort really matters or it's not valid until God says it is?
You don't need a celestial cop to know this dude, you just need to be a rational and non-sociopathic human being.
Now there is the problem of enforcing morality - and my answer is, tough luck - humans have to police themselves and that's the only way you'll get justice.