we're not moving to RedHotPawn, sorry GRB & everybody who signed up already. We're dealing with the glitch, it's minor and everyone here should be mature enough to deal with it. I'll modify the rules to include something about this though.
I guess this means GRB won't be playing, so Asbie, you're up against me, sorry.
At least this means you're guaranteed a win.
New matrix:1 2 4 [challengers - BLACK]
v v v
3 7 5 [challengee - WHITE]
NO DIFFERENCE HAS BEEN MADE TO ANYBODY'S GAME BUT ASBIE'S (and mine). There is no dummy player. Addition of new rule:
Rule #10:
The game may possibly glitch if you try to Queen's side castle after having been in check previously. So don't base your entire strategy on it.
If there is a glitch, you had three options:
a) Do another move. If this means you end up losing, so be it.
b) Request a draw/rematch (there are no draws, so it's going to be a rematch) IMMEDIATELY, i.e. the minute you find out about the glitch. If you request it on your next move, there will be no rematch. If the opponent does not want a rematch, then that's your bad luck.
c) If possible, you somehow "castle" without actually castling. For instance, moving your king, moving your rook, moving your king again, etc etc until they get to the right spots. If you do this, ask your opponent to make reversible moves, like randomly move a knight back and forth till you get your rook and your king where they should be. < If you want to do this, your opponent MUST agree. No refusals, sorry.
Okay, we clear? Sorry about the confusion.
& see reply #99 for the rest of the rules.